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[9:39 AM EST - Ain't that amazing?]

I bet all of you've heard by now that girl who wandered outside to freeze to death this weekend? Well, dead for two hours before resuscitated and apparently suffering no brain damage. Two hours! Good grief!


[1:11 PM EST - Computer talk.]

I was just checking ArsTechnica while running one of my programs, and came across this article on a couple of researchers who got programs to develop their own (computer) language. Cool.


[3:53 PM EST - Distraction.]

Here I am, waiting for my program to finish running again. It should be done soon. Yay! You know what? I think I need distractions. Be it work, or news, or gossip, or sports, or games (I actually haven't played any computer games this past month and I'm suffering any widthdrawal symptoms. Is there something wrong with me?!?), I must not let my mind wander..

Must.. stay.. focused..


[8:19 PM EST - It's all gnu!]

Finally! I installed gnuplot, and the libraries I needed for spitting out PNGs. Now there is nothing stopping me from moving this site! *cackles manically*

Well, except for my laziness. (Which is quite a force to be reckoned with actually.) Badminton's soon, so I should head out. Now where are my shorts? *sifts through pile of clothes*


[11:39 PM EST - Oh how worlds collide.]

I came back from badminton quite some time ago, but I spent the better part of the last hour doing some cleaning up. Computerwise that is. My room's still a disaster zone.

There were a couple of shockers when I trolled around the usual sites. Laz is trying to wean himself off of Counter-Strike (good luck boy, you'll need it). The only reason why I stopped playing was because I started working. Had I not.. *shiver*

KGL had a surprising revelation. karenluk.com has been taken! Oh my God! There are more of them. Will the madness ever end?!? (Of course, it might just be the same one.. Nah.)

Finally, NVM's suddenly had a surge in page visits. Do you know why? Some guy on a Slashdot thread threw up a link to her page. Slashdot! That's like.. the last place I would've expected anyone to find a link to her site. It's so bizarre! Oh, the thread's right here if you want to check it out. (Look for "Online Diaries are cool.")

Geez, there has to be a way to stop spiders from hitting your site..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:10 EDT

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Robert Fulford (From The Quotations Page.)