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[9:36 AM EST - Let it snow, let it snow..]

Ahh, another snow storm. This is one of the snowiest winters that I've ever remembered, and it's only just begun! Wow, this is a really good time to pick up skiing huh?

Let's see now, not all too much happened last night. I spent most of the night relaxing and watching the "director's cut" of "Army of Darkness". I was also able to see some of the deleted scenes from the movie. From what I saw, I think the original idea for the movie was to make it a true suspense/horror type film, but I guess that after Ramis and Cambell got together to look at the film, they realized that there was no way to make that happen, so they made it extra cheesey. Maybe, just maybe it could've done better with the deleted scenes. (Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.)

So I got in a little later today than usual (although three times being "usual" is pushing it). The office is fairly empty and I forgot to mail off that letter I wrote yesterday. I'll get around to it. *writes note on palm*

Okay, I guess it's time to check news and see what's going on in the world today.


[9:50 AM EST - Updating pair.]

Laz and KGL both have updates up. Laz has been working on improving on the speed of his journal script, and I must say that it is noticeably faster than before. KGL should be on her way to the west coast sometime soon, hopefully she'll be more organized when she gets there ;)

I haven't had much time to work on any of my scripts recently. I've got some ideas for improvements, although I won't be able to implement them until the weekend and I don't think these changes will be noticeable. Well, I hope they won't be noticeable, they're not supposed to be.

On the way to work, I was thinking about the idea of a Stirling/Electric hybrid car. The Stirling engine is highly efficient, and pairing it with an Electric motor may help solve problem with the time it takes to start the engine. Unfortunately, I'm no engineer, and at this point in time, I don't have any resources to dump into experimenting along this route, although a go-kart prototype could be fun to do..


[12:44 PM EST - Second City.]

There's a little trip planned to go to the Second City sometime next month. Anyone interested in going?

Speaking of trips, I was thinking of going back to Waterloo next weekend. I need to close my bank accounts and return some keys. While I'm down there, I'll probably drop by to watch some anime as well.

Continuing on this topic, I think now would be a good time to start researching in on that Las Vegas trip idea we threw around. Four seems like a good number of people to go down there but more or less is fine as well. (Although going down with twenty will seem like an invasion.)

Any more trip ideas? *thinks* I'll sit on it.


[5:20 PM EST - What's up with the portal?]

I've been asked why I threw up a title page for The PIT recently. (It used to point straight at The PIT.) Simple. I don't want to point out my journal. Why would I want people reading my journal? It's boring, it's locquatious, it's a waste of time, and on top of that, very few people would understand all of the underlying jokes and comments I make on it anyway. Besides, it seems as if the search engines have been throwing up my page everywhere these days. I really should stop talking randomly about stuff. Especially anything that is obscure. It's been suggested that my page is so high on search engine results because it's updated so frequently. If so, how come you don't see more web journal type pages flooding search results? I really don't know how people stumble across this page. I must say though, it's quite interesting to see what some people do search for..

Oh, while I'm here, Laz has thrown up some resolutions. I say that he'll be able to fulfill half of them this year. Further, MJO has thrown up something on his page now that he's back on that tiny little island they call a Kingdom. He too mentioned something about a resolution or two. Personally, I resolve not to make any more resolutions!

<- thinks for a moment.

Doh! Nevermind! The weekend is upon us, and I should head out to the little party thing soon. I've been making some changes here and there, and hopefully I haven't broken anything. In any case, I'll work on it later this weekend. Right now, I've got some things to do..


[5:31 PM EST - Before I go..]

I forgot to throw up some links from ArsTechnica that I found interesting. The first is a long and detailed look at Quantum Computing, the second is about how the Internet is not a level playing field, and the last is information on what's happening with biotechnology. Quite an intellectual entry here, but well worth it!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:37 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)