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[12:59 AM EST - ..and the kitchen sink.]

Oh boy, my plans for tonight went a little awry when I pulled the drain plug after washing the dishes and wondered why it had gotten so big. *blink* Waitaminute.. there was something else attached to the plug. *looks down* Oh dear.

Apparently, the bottom part of the sink had come out with the plug and it made a nice little mess in the cabinet below. I had planned on going out to badminton, and I thought this might put a dent in that course of action, but luckly enough, I was able to go without a hitch.

On my return on the other hand, we found the living room a complete mess, with everything, including two kitchen sinks, sprawled out on the floor. The sink was going to be replaced. Tonight. Well, there goes my plans for returning that call, amongst other things. Fortunately, because of our experience with replacing sinks (after our bout with the bathroom sink a couple months ago), we were done and cleaned up after two hours of work. Not so bad considering that it took us most of the afternoon the first time.

In any case, I'm going to have to watch "Dune" at some other time. Oh yes, for those of you who haven't heard (and probably don't care), the Sci-Fi channel's mini-series "Dune" is being played on City this week. The first part was played tonight, but since I had to go to badminton, I taped it so that I could watch it after I had gotten back. I had just watched the David Lynch directed movie adaptation which I borrowed from Laz during our System Shock 2 fest. The original cut of the movie was five hours long, but it was pared down to two hours before it made it to the silver screen. This was pretty evident for anyone who watched the movie. It felt as if it was more of a chonicle of the events on Arakis rather than an epic becuase there was so little development. We'll see if this mini-series does better than the movie did at giving credit to the story (although I have yet to read the book).

Okay, let's see what I missed huh?


[12:32 PM EST - Afternoon glory.]

I got a call this morning from a prospective employer. I've got an interview slated for Thursday morning, but I was only half-awake when I recieved the call. I can't remember the guy's name! (Well, not his last name at least. I think I know his first name..)

What's that you're saying? QYV is actually going to an interview? QYV is actually looking for a job?!? Not quite. Well, I wouldn't mind a job I guess. I really do need the money. But I'm not sure what I want to do. In any case, I think I'll go and get some food because I'm like, wondering what the heck I should eat here. *searches desk* Nope, nothing here. How unfortunate.

Oh, before I go, it seems as if KGL has been spending a lot of time working on her homepage since she got back. Lots of pictures up. Go and check them out!


[1:53 PM EST - Another call.]

Wile I was eating breakfast, my mom told me that someone had called me while I was out last night. Waitaminute, this sounds familiar..

Again, I went over to the records to check who it was. *click* *click* I hope I don't have to kick myself again. *click* *click* Ah.. ah ha! Ah, it was a girl! *looks closer* But a different one this time. *wipes brow* Geez, people keep calling me when I'm out.


[3:36 PM EST - Ah ha!]

I was wondering why Samba didn't seem to work with WinME, but I think I know what the problem is now. All I have to do is to test it out..

I shoveled the snow on the driveway this afternoon. Compared the the first time, this was a cinch. Oh look, the sun's coming out!


[8:52 PM EST - Part 1.]

I spent a couple of hours before dinner watching part one of the "Dune" miniseries. The effects were okay, and there are differences in the story telling between the two adaptations. I'll leave my final judgement until after I've seen all three parts (part two is tonight).

KGL got something thrown up on her page while I was not looking.


[10:18 PM EST - More cards.]

Hey yeah, I forgot to mention that I got a couple more Christmas cards. This time from Squishy and Dusty! How come I keep getting cards from couples? Is it some sort of natural progression in life once you get engaged?

"Now that we're together for life, let's start sending out Christmas cards!" *cheers*

It makes no sense to me.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:22:36 EDT

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