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[12:53 PM EST - Another early.. afternoon.]

I did get up in the morning! You have to believe me! Geez. Anyway, things seem to be going well down here. I've been writing up more scripts to help me with updating and keeping track of modification dates. I've been planning to do this for months now, but I've just recently gotten off my lazy butt and started coding. Ahh, the joys of perl.

While I'm here, I found some interesting articles from the usual suspects. The one I found on the ShackNews is about fat people paying for extra seats on flights, while ArsTechnica has a link to an article about some guy who wrote up a song which contained DeCSS code (which is used to crack the DVD encryption) which later got yanked by MP3.com.


[1:04 PM EST - Laz's e-mail.]

It seems as if only Laz has put up something, and it's only because his e-mail has gone crazy. I wonder what's causing the problem?

<- looks at large e-mail message sent to Laz last night.




[4:07 PM EST - Tweaks.]

I've been tweaking with my scripts for the past while now, mostly adding little improvements here and there to reduce memory usage and increase speed. Well, apart from the search engine, I don't think there's really much point in improving the speed, but I really want to cut down on the memory requirements. Man, perl is such a sweet language.

However, in my never ending quest to make the most efficient code, I may have broken something. If you notice anything wrong, you know how to contact me!

What the heck? The network just went titsup. Grr.. QYV is getting annoyed..

Oh good, much better. Must've been a hiccup.


[4:11 PM EST - Other stuff.]

Oh, while I was busy fiddling around with code, Laz has some interesting dreams to share, while KGL has some information to share. (Although I doubt this wave of uncryptiveness is going to last long.. =)

Erk. Seems like pine ain't working on my computer.. WTF?


[5:37 PM EST - 3dfx = Gonzo.]

Holy crap! I just saw this at the ShackNews! Is this a hoax or something? I'm going to look into this..


[5:41 PM EST - Unless someone hacked it..]

I just went over to 3dfx's site and unless someone came by to hack it, the stuff is all there. Holy, it's the end of a (rather short) era. Funny how the companies that spawned a new generation of (3D) sound and video for the computer industry (Aureal and 3dfx respectively) are both gone now. It's tough to be a pioneer huh?


[6:38 PM EST - Time to go.]

Time to go to that pot luck thing I was talking about. Hopefully all of that mail that got sent to me during that blackout will come on back in good time. If not, it doesn't really matter. It's probably all spam anyway.


[Saturday, December 16, 2000: Pot luck.]

We headed out for the pot luck with pasta in bag and tokens in hand. As the car was not in the best of conditions (and seeing how driving downtown isn't the greatest thing to do) we decided to ride the rocket. (Well, I did at least.) Unfortunately, I had no idea where we were going, so I was just following girl pretty blindly. When they went onto the streetcar at Batherst, I followed on. (Well, I knew we had to go south on Bathurst at least.) After waiting diligently a few minutes for the streetcar to move, the driver turned on his PA and announced

"This streetcar is going east on Dundas, I repeat, this is the 505, the 501 is right behind this car."

So I looked up, a little shocked and amused, and realized that half of the people on the streetcar had also blindly got on. I chuckled as the people streamed out back onto the platform to wait for the next (and correct) car to arrive.

We got off near the house and proceeded to walk down the slushy sidewalk in search of the party. girl and HR were leading the way so I followed behind, trying to avoid any puddles and slush piles. After walking along for several minutes, girl turns around and asks if we passed the street yet. Uh.. I didn't even know what the street was! (What is this, the blind leading the blind?) After a bit of backtracking, we discovered that we did indeed pass by the street but it was pretty easy to find the correct house.

We were greeted warmly by one of the residents of the house, and I was surprised as to the number of people who were already there. I'd hazard a guess of around twenty people by the time we arrived, which was pretty packed already. As I gorged on food and looked around to see if I recognized anyone (a few, not all too many), more people started streaming in. I'd say about forty people were in the house (well, the top level) at the height of the party, with everyone talking, and yapping, and smoking (the smokers were eventually kicked out). It was a very friendly crowd.

A couple of the guys there were actors and one showed us some pictures of him with a number of bigger stars (Like Sly, Segal, etc.). They also worked on X-Men, although I don't think they knew or would've recognized Neil.. I think his name was Neil.

There was also this girl who kept talking about her boob job. Which, as she said, always tended to kill the conversation whenever she brought it up. Oh come on, how are we supposed to top that? *looks down* Hmm.. maybe I could perk mine up a bit.. *poses in front of mirror*

Ahem. Time flew by pretty quickly, and when girl asked me what time it was, I saw that it was half-past one. There was a shocked look on her face. What?

"The subway closes at 1:40."

Really? I didn't know that! (I had thought that they closed past two.) Anyway, we had to get going. We got a ride from one of the actors - who's name I forgot - and got dropped off at Yonge where the blue night network was already in full swing. (He dropped us right in front of the bus.) I was pretty impressed by the speed of the service, as we switched off later and got onto Eglington. It was a combination of the lack of people getting on and off the bus, as well as the lack of traffic on the streets once you left the downtown core. We made it back to the station faster than I had anticipated. The driver, who I asked was going through the station or past it, asked me why we wanted to go there since all of the trains and buses were closed. I found out why he was confused when we got there. All of the doors were locked. There was no way into the station. The only way out was around the front through the street or over the fence. After checking the last few doors into the station, girl piped,

"We can't get in."

Okay, over the fence we go.

"I can't climb."

Doh. Out the front it is then!

The car was still in one piece and we made it back without a hitch. Well.. there were a number of cops that sped by us as we left the station. I had no idea where they were going, but as I was pulling out into the middle lane (after signalling and checking my mirror and blind spot), this black jeep came out from behind and narrowly missed me on the left-hand side. The two people in the jeep were looking in my direction as I passed by them, so I glared. When they passed me again, they were looking again so I glared again.

Now the question is, who's fault is it anyway? Is it my fault for pulling out in front of them, or was it their fault for speeding? (They were going pretty darned fast.) I couldn't have gone any faster because there was a car right in front of me. Too bad there aren't any other witnesses. girl was comatose in the passenger seat. Moral of the story? Assume everyone is going 30 over the limit and judge accordingly.

Anyway, so apart from that, and the other cop who I had to pull away from into the middle of the street, and the guy doing 90 on Brimley, not much happened. Hey, at least I came back in one piece.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:39 EDT

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