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[2:46 AM EST - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon]

Well, that was a pretty darned good movie (if I must say so for myself). Laz and I went to watch it downtown last night. I hadn't realized that it was a limited release and that only three theatres in the Toronto area that are actually showing the movie! Anyway, I don't want to spoil anything, but I do suggest that you guys go and check it out. It's more of your typical kung fu type movies set in ancient China, except with more effects.

That's about it I think. We got hit by a snow storm last night, and it played havoc with traffic. We nearly didn't make it to the movie on time because of it. (Actually, we arrived a couple of minutes late, but movies tend to start late nowadays.)

Also, while I'm here, it seems as if Jax is alive and well! (Although her computer isn't.) See what she has to say!


[2:13 PM EST - Sunny.]

Howdy folks! I see I'm up. Actually, I've been up since before noon! (Okay, only half-an-hour before noon, but it's still an accomplishment.) I ended up going to sleep around four-thirty because I was making videotape copies for Laz (who's got an update BTW). *yawn* How come I get up earlier when I have less sleep?

Anyway, I was jumpy for some reason last night. I never figured out why. After the movie, Laz was hungry, so we hunted around for some place to eat. After wandering around for a few minutes (with me slip-sliding around) we eventually settled on McDonalds. The cashier standing behind the counter looked at me strangely (probably due to my skipping around the vestibule). I probably should've struck up a conversation. Next time. Next time.

Speaking of striking up a conversation, it seems as if HaremPresident was striking up a conversation with a very old crush of his. What's up with everyone and their dog going the web journal route these days? Yeesh! I should find something novel to do. Oh yeah, KGL's still complaining about her exams. *looks at clock* Hmm.. she should be starting Biotech just about now..

Oh yeah, NVM's put up a link to some guy's page on diaryland (which I had thought had been dairyland all this time until KGL mentioned it to me).

Oh hey, I just got e-mail from HaremPresident. Seems like there's a matchmaking site for otakus. *shiver*


[2:29 PM EST - Second internet.]

Hmm.. I came across an article on ZDNet about a call from one of Clinton's top advisors for a second more secure internet. The downside to the extra security is that there will be no anonymity. (Ick.)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention last night that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is subtitled, and the dialogue is in Madarin. It also is one of the few movies that I've seen recently where the audience applauded after the credits started rolling. (The Kenshin OVA movie doesn't really count. But it was good..)


[5:51 PM EST - There is no spo.. grille.]

I'm going to try speeding up the journal script a little bit, but hopefully I won't break anything in the process. I also have to fix up my account on my Linux box. For some reason, you can't send mail to my account because the user "does not exist". I have no idea what's up with that.

Oh yeah, just a reminder to myself never to let girl drive my car (if I ever get one).


[6:35 PM EST - Account fixed.]

Hmm. I still don't know why that one account can't recieve mail. I've changed the name of the account and it seems to work fine now, so I might start forwarding all my mail over there instead of Sciborg. *ponders the thought* It sure would make it easier to reply to e-mail..


[11:24 PM EST - Lorenzo's Oil.]

I've finally moved my e-mail from Sciborg to BEGghILOS2. As long as my computer stays up, I should be fine. I should figure out some sort of backup plan however. *ponders*

Oh, while I was watching the Leaf's game (they won 5-1 BTW), I ended up catching part of 'Pretty Woman' so I watched that during the breaks and intermissions. During my channel surfing, I came across another movie which I didn't recognize. girl knew that it was 'Lorenzo's Oil'. I had planned to go back up to my room after watching the Leaf's game, but I left it on this channel for girl to watch, so I stuck around foa a minute.. or two.. or three.. or.. somehow, the movie just grabbed me by the eye balls and sat me down. I just couldn't walk away. We ended up watching that instead of 'Pretty Woman' and I was pretty impressed. It is definitely a gripping movie, and although it shines a bad light on the scientific community (medical in particular) I would suggest that people go see it.

Another point I would like to make is that the Lamb of God part of Adagio for Strings was used in the movie to very good effect. Of course, it's a pretty powerful piece so it can be used to good effect in just about any dramatic situation.


[11:39 PM EST - News.]

I've been looking around and I've noticed that both KGL and Laz have things to say today. Speaking of things to say (or not to say), apparently, there's some group trying to set a standard for internet anonymity. This should be interesting, but not as interesting as these gifts for people who you can never figure out what to get. Both of these links I got from the ShackNews.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:16 EDT

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