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[2:39 AM EST - Christmas party.]

I'm back! I just came back from a Christmas party and a night out at the Guvernment. I'll go into details in a moment, but first of all, there are two news bits I want to put up. One is about a couple that was able to concieve a child in jail, while the other article is about the giant swastika I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. (Both of these links courtesy of the ShackNews.)

Anyway, about the party.. as I got in from my shopping trip that afternoon, girl told me that we had to get ready and get going to the party thing that was going to be held downtown (while I was busy updating this thing). She was only supposed to bring one guest along, but somehow pulled some strings and was able to get me added to the invite list. How could I refuse? Besides, there was copious amounts of free food involved as well!

But then she said the terrible F-word. The party was going to be semi-formal. Ack! Excuse me, but to me, formal is wearing a long sleeved shirt, dark pants (including jeans), and dark shoes (including sneakers). But no, I was to wear my suit. Ugh. I begrudgingly changed, but was able to wear my black sneakers anyway. (Nobody ever looks down. Ever watch "The Shawshank Redemption"?)

As we were heading to the Quay, we picked up DL downtown. The Party was to be held on a boat run by Mariposa Cruise Line. I had never been on a boat for a dinner or party before, so this was going to be different. After some parking and driving mishaps (nothing too serious, it just made us a little later than expected), we made it down to the docks where we found a couple of girl's ex-co-workers and found our way to the boat. The boat was moderately large, with the dining hall large enough to fit the party of around eighty people. The food was good, the entertainment was enjoyable, and the company was very friendly.

We also got tickets for free drinks at the bar (with limitations). Seeing as I wasn't going to drink any alcohol, there was no problem for me. At one point, I had ordered an orange juice, and this guy who had just arrived at the bar asked me what I had ordered. What could I say? I told him that I had orange juice. He didn't believe me.

"Naw, that's not an orange juice."

I continued to insist that it was orange juice, and that made him disbelieve me even more. All I could do after that was shrug and walk off. I could've told him that it was a screwdriver, but that would be lying right?

Something else of note, when I went to the men's washroom (and after I had realized I had gone into the ladies room by accident), I saw that there weren't any urinals in the room. All they had was this large metal trough where five guys could possibly stand to release their loads. The most surprising thing (to me at least) was that anyone who walked through the door to the washroom, would get a perfect view right down the trough (there were no barriers). I guess they're pretty open with their urinating on this boat huh? (Oh yeah, I didn't see any couches in the ladies room.)

The great thing about the boat ride was the view. The boat kept going in circles in the natural harbour formed by the Toronto islands and Leslie street spit. We were far enough away from land that one could easilly see the entire city skyline in their forward field of vision, and the view (at night) was outstanding. It's too bad I didn't have my camera on me, but the people on the island have a view like that every night, and that's pretty neat. It's too bad it was so freaking cold, or I would've stayed out longer on the deck to enjoy the view.

After dinner and entertainment, we (girl, DL, and I) got off the boat (it had docked long before the skits were completed) and headed to the Guvernment to watch a fashion show. We got there just as they were closing down the guest line and the fashion show as to start (around midnight). We were able to find spots right at the front row of the right-hand side of the catwalk(?). This proved to be an ideal viewing location since the models waltzed in front of us, giving us a good view of.. their attire. The show was being held by The One (who I've never heard of) but it was enjoyable. The atmosphere was pretty good, and the air was fairly clear despite the number of smokers (probably because the celing was so high). girl and I didn't stick around long however. There was no space to dance, and the music kept changing every minute. (No wonder why some kids grow up to have ADD.)

The trip back was pretty uneventful. My compliance to the traffic laws delayed us, until I made that faithful U-turn - which I did in front of a cop! Fortunately, he didn't stop me, and we made it home unscarred.

Now here I am. Oi, I need sleep.


[2:46 AM EST - Last minute updates.]

Well, before I hit the sack, I'd like to note that Sparky has had another update up. Good to see she's up and about. Also, there's an update up on NVM.


[10:47 PM EST - Evening reading.]

How are you folks doing? I just finished watching the Terminator 2 ultimate edition DVD. (Borrowed it off of Laz.) It was pretty good, and it got me interested in checking out T2 3D at some point in time. (When I have more money.)

A couple of stories to talk about I guess. I came across these on the ShackNews. The first is about a couple of Canadians who wanted to test out a bulletproof vest, and while we're on Canadian news, here's one about police waiting for a theif to.. relinquish a ring.

I didn't do much today. I went to Laz's place to drop off a present and ended up trying out the Blade demo (very cool, nice graphics and interesting gameplay, although the controls in the demo were sucky) and picking up the T2 ultimate edition DVD.

Hmm.. I've got quite a bit of e-mail to respond to. I've been a bad boy lately with replies. Speaking of people and replies, KGL has a couple of updates up (including a comment about the prince). Okay, let's see what else is going on..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:19 EDT

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