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[11:47 AM EST - Annoyed.]

Our network connection went down again last night. I'm not sure what was up with that, but it interfered with my last entry. *hrumph*

Oh well, it only mentioned that the difference between my web updates and my manual updates was that the timestamps reflected the time I started writing with the manual update, and the time I finished writing with the web update. Considering how long some of my entries can be, this might, or might not make much of a difference. Only time will tell..

Okay, I'm getting pretty spotty service right now so I don't want to stay connected too long. I did want to mention a couple of things however. First of all, I had this giant pyramid puzzle (which Laz has seen - he's got a new update BTW) which I solved last night! I had nothing else to do while waiting to reconnect so I hacked away at it and all the pieces just happened to fit! Whee!

I got this puzzle nearly ten years ago as a birthday present. As they were giving the puzzle to me (which actually was still together at that point) she dropped the puzzle and said "Oh no!" in that oh-so-calculated maneuver. Grr. The puzzle actually came with a solution, but they never gave it to me, figuring that I should be able to solve the darned thing. Anyway, it took me a couple of years to solve the thing while working on it on and off. I was so proud of that achievement, that I made a paper pyramid and put the solution on it.

*skip ahead several years*

After I got back from doing my masters, I found out that in the process of moving my room, the puzzle was disassembled, and the solution was thrown out. Thrown out! Argh! I went on the new quest of resolving this pyramid puzzle, and in a bit more than two months, I've finally put it back together again. *jots down solution - again*

Okay, what else.. I fixed a little bug with the comment script, and I have a change to make in this update script, but apart from that, I think I need to find myself a little sustenance.


[11:58 AM EST - KGL news.]

The ever sleep-deprived KGL has something new up.


[3:22 PM EST - One more day.]

I've finished writing up a couple more days for the Victoria trip, but I still have one more day (the finals) to write about. Oi.

I forgot that today was election day! There should also be badminton tonight, so I should be pretty busy. This will be the first time that I've voted before. The last couple of times I didn't particularly care much, and the parties I would've voted for got into power anyway.

Okay, let's see what else is going on in the world today.


[7:30 PM EST - Clarification.]

Well, I should going soon. The polls close at eight and badminton should be right afterward (in the same building no less). Oh yeah, I should've mentioned that this is a municipal election. The federal election doesn't take place until the 27th. I wonder how hard it's raining out there?


[8:50 PM EST - Erk.]

Just came back. I should always remember to trust my gut and never listen to girls. Be it for directions or for times, gut instinct usually works well.

Badminton was canceled due to the election. I thought it might be, but girl told me that it should still be on, so I went anyway. Funny how she couldn't make it to badminton today..

Argh! I should've called ahead!

Anyway, this gives me time to fix up a couple of the scripts that I broke. Yahoo.


[11:35 PM EST - Changed again!]

It seems as if DHCP is alive and well in Shawland. In the past couple of weeks, my IP address has changed twice. This makes it difficult to set up a static web server, although it's not impossible. I can also use a dynamic DNS web service to get around this hurdle, but it's relatively expensive. Hmm.. I'm not even sure how reliable my connection is either.

Oh well, I should head to bed soon (while testing out these new changes to the update script).


[11:46 PM EST - Eep!]

Another error on my part (fixed now). Geez, I hope I don't end up throwing entries all over my database!

*crosses fingers*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:01 EDT

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Sir Winston Churchill (From The Quotations Page.)