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[6:52 PM EST - Home.]

I'm back it seems. In one piece to boot. Quite a bit happened over the past week, but you'll have to wait until my cable connection frees up for me to start putting up any stories. Oh boy, the stories..

Let's just sat that this group of people I met were the craziest bunch of loonies that I've ever seen before (even on TV!). In any case, I've got 113 e-mail messages so I'm going to do some fall cleaning..


[7:11 PM EST - Mail.]

I've cleared out most of the messages from my inbox. Most of it was junk, and some was CTRL-A stuff, but there were some messages in there. Too bad I didn't get one from.. well, it's only been a week-and-a-half. Anyway, I think there's badminton tonight, so I might only be able to put up stuff for the first two (uneventful) days of the tournament. At the rate that this thing is sending information I might be able to update faster by driving over, but enough griping.

Linkwise, MJO (who's got an update) sent me one about job prospects with RIM. I considered that, but I don't want to work in KW. Not for the next little while at least. I've been there for seven years. Guh, I don't think I can handle any more of sitting around there for the next little while.

Let's see.. lots of entries from KGL (who seems to have gotten that thing <cough>job</cough> she wanted), Laz (who's recovering), Jax, and I have to cut this short while I catch up on Laz's adventures.


[7:53 PM EST - Append.]

I added a bit more to the entry for Growly's wedding after reading Laz's entry. The wedding site hasn't been updated yet, so there aren't any movies up yet.. *wipes brow*

I didn't notice any other updates up, so there's not much more to talk about on that end. Newswise, there's a lot of stuff going on, but I would like to mention that story about the volunteer who was giving out poppy's who was attacked and robbed just a couple of days ago. (The thieves took away eighty bucks or so.) What the heck's up with that? The attackers were also allegedly in their early teens. Good lord! The attack occurred in the Markham and Ellesmere area. That's where my highschool is! Oh boy, I wonder what this world is coming to..


[9:53 PM EST - Job offer.]

"The Perfect Storm" was shown on my return flight from Victoria. I just wanted to mention that before I forgot (I didn't watch the whole thing, but it was okay).

Apparently, we didn't make it to badminton, and I'm starting to fade. I should probably go to sleep, but there's so much for me to do. A but of accounting, a bit of updating, a bit of e-mail, a bit of pr0n.. *blink* Err, I mean, a bit of cleaning up.. *looks around to see if anyone noticed*

Oh man, I only filled up the first day so far. There's so much to write! Argh! I think I'll have to take it slow for the next little while. Anyway, I think my connection is a little faster (and more stable) now. Let's go and see what I've been missing..


[Thursday, November 9, 2000: Homeward bound.]

There was not much to do today. I woke up on time, took my shower, and got dressed. JCS wasn't in when I woke up, so I never said goodbye to him, but I guess he's having a good time wherever he was.

When I got to the airport, there was a huge group of girls with sports bags standing in line to check in. We were stuck there for a long time while they checked in their baggage. I figured out later that they were part of a rowing team from the Toronto area. Interesting.

When I threw my stuff into the X-Ray machine going through security, one of the security ladies took a hold of my bag and started fondling one of the pockets. She asked me,

"Is that a belt buckle?"

I replied,

"It's a medal"

She probably didn't hear me (or didn't believe me) the first time because she asked again,

"Is that a belt buckle?"

To which I replied,

"It's a medal"

And that was that.

Oh yeah, there's this great old arcade game by the name of "Gyruss" that I wanted to keep in mind.

On the plane trip back, I sat next to one of the girls who was clearly part of some sports team. I didn't talk to her until after the movie (which was when we were landing at Pearson). I found out that she was a soccer player from the University of Victoria and was heading to Nova Scotia for the Nationals. Pretty interesting. Actually, something else that was interesting was that her team beat out the team from the University of Calgary in the finals. The coach for the UC team was the sister of one of the guys on the Edmonton Broomball team! Weird huh?

Oh well, apart from that, not much happened on the way back.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:48 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)