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[11:09 AM EST - Cleaning time.]

I figure it's time for me to clean up my room. I haven't really done much reorganizing since I came back, and the room's pretty much a mess right now. MJO's page is still down, but I'm sure he'll find a way to fix it. Hmm.. I should also look into setting up dynamic DNS service..


[12:40 PM EST - Yay!]

I've done it! I've finally got around to setting up the dynamic DNS thing. Ahem. Much thanks to the people at dyndns.org for letting me set up BEGghILOS2.ath.cx. Now all I have to do is to get around to porting my stuff over..


[12:52 PM EST - He's alive!]

Laz has thrown up an entry that chronicled his experience with pain. ("The pain.. the PAIN!") Glad he's up and about again.

KGL also has a short ever-so-uninformative update up as well. Oh well, she seems to be alive, so that's a ba.. good thing. *pause* Good thing. *nods* (*ducks*)


[12:59 PM EST - UCAV.]

I found this yesterday on the ShackNews but was too lazy to put it up. Anyway, it's an article about Boeing's Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle. If it works, then I'll take two please!


[4:10 PM EST - How Meechy.]

I've been going through some of my stuff that I've thrown into boxes, and I've come across quite a number of little things that I've put away over the years. There are these little pieces of paper that the guys wrote quotes on to plaster on my door for my birthday.. (It's a long story..)

I've also started going through some of my old school stuff from junior high. Hmm, letter from Greenpeace.. *throws out* A letter from the University of Toronto.. *throws out* A letter from the federal government..

Federal government? *reads letter* Well I'll be! It's a letter from the prime minister in response of my letter about Meech Lake!

*blink* I don't remember sending a letter to the government about Meech Lake.. *looks all worried*

(After checking with girl.)

Ah! Apparently this is something to do with a school project where we had to send a letter out to an organization about some issue. If the organization sends a reply, you get bonus marks! *looks at date* July 13th (1990). I guess I didn't get any bonus marks. Curses! *shakes fist*


[5:10 PM EST - Frequent updater.]

Ever since I got this web script running, I've been updating fairly frequently. Without the need for a telnet window into Scienide, I'm not affected by hiccups in the network, nor do I have to wait a few seconds for each word I typed to see if it actually made to Waterloo or not. This means that I can send updates whenever I want! (Unless my connection goes down.) Mind you, once I move this page over onto my Linux box, I won't be able to use this script from my computer because of some screwy Linksys LAN thing. I still haven't figured it out, but at least I'll be in the same building as the computer is.

I'm thinking of making some fettuccine Alfredo tonight. It's too bad nobody at home can eat it. More for me! *cheers*

Oh yeah, JCS told me that he doesn't force people to drink because,

".. it means more booze for me!"

Can't argue with him there.

I guess people are heading back home now. I think I should start making dinner soon.


[11:23 PM EST - Argh..]

What's up with this lag? Okay, although it doesn't affect my page updates as it used to, I still have to check my e-mail every now and then. (Speaking of which, I've got a number of messages in my inbox that are over two weeks old..) I really should reply to them.. *apologetic*

I just came back from broomball. It was a good turnout today. Nineteen people showed up. Nineteen! That's nineteen people on the ice, all at once, and the rink is midget sized! Holy cramped Batman!

The ice today was also very slippery. I ended up falling a number of times.

<- shows of bruises on elbows and hips.

Oh well, I'm going to check to see if anything new got put up. I think the lag is a bit better now so I might be able to make some improvements to a couple of my scripts now..


[11:49 PM EST - Ano hi ni.]

Ah, this song brings back memories. Every time I hear this song, I always think I'm back in first year, wandering around Village 2 trying to get my laundry cleaned before midnight so that I could make it back home before it got too late. Those were the days..

Anyway, I'm going to try testing this change I made (after discovering a minor bug) so excusé moi!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:01 EDT

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Robert Fulford (From The Quotations Page.)