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[9:59 AM EST - Window.]

I've got a short window of opportunity with which to update without waiting a day for each letter to make it across. Erk. Maybe I should get up semi-early every morning? *thinks* Nah..

Anyway, not much up at this end, I just had a correction to make with an earlier entry. Used the wrong name for a song *blushes*. I just went along with the name that was posted. It was only this morning when I realized that I was in error. Anyway, no harm done except for my pride.


[3:48 PM EST - Scripting.]

I've been working on a script for KGL. It's done, but I'm not sure if it works on her thing or not. We'll see. I also played around with the footer for my pages, I think I'll be getting rid of some of that clutter on the bottom for the journal..


[11:48 PM EST - Relaxing.]

I just came back from broomball. It was fun as usual. girl actually came out to play despite the lack of equipment. We'll see if she shows up again next week. One of the guys there actually knew one of the guys from the Edmonton team that I played with last week. Cool huh?

I'm a little tired, so I think I'm going to take it easy. Laz is taking it easy himself, too bad he can't enjoy the fruits of.. that's a bad pun. Anyway, I think I had some Tylanol-3 lying around from when I injured my foot but they might be in the dump by no. I don't even know why I got them in the first place since I generally refuse to take pain killers. (Pain is good.)

Okay, let's see what I can do here..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:35 EDT

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Will Rogers (From The Quotations Page.)