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[12:07 AM EDT - He's alive!]

It seems as if MJO is actually alive seeing as he just put up an update today. Now the only question remaining is: When will he be visiting Canada? (Or more specifically, Toronto?)


[1:02 AM EDT - Bad.. minton.]

I'm finally done! Yay! I guess these updates were shorter than I had thought they were going to be. (Okay, I cheated with the wedding one, and left out the details of brunch, but hey..) I forgot to mention that I went out to badminton last night (tonight?). I seem to be getting better, although I still need to work on my endurance. They can really make you run yourself ragged out there, but all I need to do is to tire them out first..

Okay, I should be going to sleep soon. I've got some chores to do after I wake up..


[2:03 AM EDT - Are you l33t?]

Not asleep yet? Okay, okay, I did some surfing. came across this from the ShackNews, and I can't see it. I guess it's time for me to download flash huh?


[11:52 AM EDT - Erk. Crappy connection.]

My connection to the school is pretty flaky at the moment, so I will have to keep this short. I think I'm going set up the comment script to automatically link any web links. This should make it easier for you folks if you're throwing up links since you don't have to put tags around it. Anything that starts with a "http://" should automatically be linked. Now all I have to do is to code it in..


[2:41 PM EDT - Faster.]

I've set up my Linux box again. I should finish working on it sometime this week. I will try porting this site over to the box at some point in time to see if it solves my slow script problem. Until then, I think it was Jax who told me that weddings tend to be times when people tend to "hook up". Hmm.. what do you guys think?


[4:39 PM EDT - Mail.]

I'm trying to set up sendmail on my box and it doesn't seem to like sending anything out. *grumbles* Oh well, I've got quite a bit of fiddling around to do. It doesn't help when I've forgotten all the stuff I learned the first time I tried to set up Linux. Oi.


[5:06 PM EDT - Still no luck.]

I still haven't gotten the thing to work, and I'm not particularly sure how I'll make it to broomball tonight. I have an idea, but it depends on getting in contact with Zippy. On something completely unrelated, KGL and Laz both have updates up.


[5:31 PM EDT - One up, one down.]

Stripes's page seems to have dropped off the face of the planet. I've taken down the link for now, but I have a funny feeling I won't be seeing anything from him (webwise) for quite some time. It's also annoying looking him up since there's an actor with his name who keeps sucking up all of my web search hits. Grr.

I've found another homepage for someone else who I've thrown up into the list. I have some cleaning up to do, but things look fine for now.

Now all I have to do is to figure out why sendmail doesn't seem to be sending mail.


[11:44 PM EDT - Suzie.]

I was going to have trouble going to the arena for broomball tonight since I didn't have access to a car. I figured that if I could get a ride with Zippy, things wouldn't be that bad, so I paged him. Twice. Eventually, there was a call back from some guy who called to ask who paged him. I told him that I didn't page him, but then he asked if I was paging Zippy, I told him yes. That's when he told me that he and Zippy had switched pagers, and that he didn't know Zippy's pager number offhand. Oh goody. Fortunately, I was able to call his folks and find a current number, so I was able to call him. He did call back, but unfortunately, he was in no position to give me a ride. Fortunately, (after tutoring) I got a ride fomr my dad.

I was taking a look at some older pictures, and I was reminded how the young LC looked awfully similar to Susie Derkins. Hmm, I'll comment about that at some later date.

Broomball was fun. The teams were more evenly matched this time, so we had a pretty exciting game. Afterward, I was going to get a ride back home with Zippy, when he realized that he had forgotten something in the trunk. This unfortunately meant that we couldn't leave, but things were still okay since he called his place for help. Unfortunately, nobody was home (and it sucked up my last quarter). Checking out the car didn't help. It was locked shut, and I didn't want to test out my neophytic lock picking skills on his car. Eventually, I called girl (who was on her way) and we dropped him off at his place.

Oh yeah, I noticed that some cars now have their middle brake light flash whenever the car is breaking. I'm not sure if it flashes when the car had stopped or is slowing down, or if it blinks randomly. I first noticed this on a car a few days ago in the van with Laz (in Montreal). We weren't quite sure what to make of it. Does anyone know what's going on?


[11:59 PM EDT - Counter problems.]

What the heck? Something FUBARed my counter. I have no idea how or why. Fortunately, I had enough information to fix it, but it was a little annoying.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:31 EDT

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