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[12:33 AM EDT - Post-Broomball.]

I'm back from broomball. Actually broomball ended quite a while ago, I had to run a couple of errands before making it back (and have time to update this page).

The game itself was fairly fun. I only recognized one person there, the rest of the people were composed mostly of men, but there were a few woment there. The average age, I would hazard a guess, would be in the late forties. There was only one other guy there who might've been in his twenties so I felt a little young..

Anyway, we had enough for two full teams minus one player. We didn't have any real goalies, so we rotated in that position. (I really should get myself a cup.) Our team ended up with the extra player for the first half of the game (we had an extra girl), and after going up 6-1 (our defence was stoning them and our offence was running circles around them), we gave them our high scorer (one of the girls who always stood at the opposite net). That was a bad choice. She only got those goals because we kept passing to her. We should've gave the other team the other girl (who was a defensive wall) because we pounded them for another 7-8 goals (I lost count). I didn't score any. Whether it was because all of my shots missed the front of the net, or if I felt sorry and was subconciously avoiding the net, is up to you to decide.

Afterward, as I headed home, I tried to get back onto the 401 from Avenue road. To my surprise, I saw that the entrance ramp was blocked off. What the heck? Since Avenue road actually ends right after the highway, I had to make a u-turn and head back over the bridge the other way. I noticed that the exit ramp going south was also blocked off. There was a sign posted stating that the ramps onto the 401 were closed from October 10 to October 13. Today is.. Doh!

Okay, no problem. I took Wilson across to Yonge and go onto the 401 from there. I made it to Yonge without a hitch and turned onto the entrance ramp for the 401 and.. what the.. it's blocked off here too? (The entrance ramp also led to a residential so that's why it was still open.) Argh! I had to make a three-point-turn to get myself out of that jam. At least I wasn't the only one who was duped by that trick.

Finally, I gave up on getting onto the highway and to Steeles across. It would be slower, but at least I'd make it home. Heading north on Yonge, I saw this one car turn on it's hazard lights for a second, switch lanes, and then turned them off. What the heck? Was it some sort of signal or something. Okay, of course it was a signal, but what I meant was whether it was a special signal or something else. I never figured it out.

I don't usually drive at night on Steeles, so I didn't expect the sight I came across as I approached the Don Valley. Due to the size of the valley, you can see a fair distance ahead, and the lights from the street lamps painted a pretty path in the darkness ahead. I wanted to stop and take a picture, but I didn't have my camera on me. Next time I guess.

Okay, I think I should head to bed soon. I've got a lunch thing tomorrow (I guess today) that I really should get up for. I don't think that my lunch date would appreciate it if I showed up late. Mind you, I could always just blame it on the directions.. *rubs chin*


[3:14 PM EDT - Pie time.]

I just got back from downtown. I don't have much time to talk, and the connection is suspect (as always), so I'm going to cut this short. Laz has an update, and although I don't know what his page looks like in Netscape, I can imagine. KGL's finally legal! Legal to drive that is. Drivers beware! (Pedestrians beware too!) Tiffi's also got an update. I guess people up here aren't the only ones complaining about the cold. (Personally, I love it! Besides, today was nice, sunny, and warm. A perfect day for lunch!) She was also trying to remember her grandfather, and although she thinks that she's forgetting more and more about him, she won't forget everything, there will always be something there. Whether one tries to remember or tries to forget, there will always be something there.

Okay, cutting this short.. now.


[4:51 PM EDT - No tutor.]

Hmm. The kid I was supposed to tutor canceled on me. Apparently he decided to drop the course he was planning on taking so he doesn't need the tutoring anymore. No problem for me, it gives me more time to work on my page! Speaking of which, I've been working at reducing the number of scripts here. I don't like being dependent on scripts and for a text-only site (which I try to boast faster upload times due to the lack of graphics), the scripts make the page load oh-so-slowly. I'm working on the javascripts first. I threw in a lot of document.write lines in my pages which although gets the job done, makes the source very cluttered.

The new method I'm trying seems to work in IE 5.5, but will probably break some of the older browsers. I'll need feed back from someone who uses Netscape (KGL). I'm working on the journal index and picture lists. Oh yeah, I really want to know if the pages work with javascript off. It should.. *crosses fingers*


[8:33 PM EDT - Lunch break.]

I've been checking up on news and I noticed this link from the ShackNews (along with the latest babe hunt - apparently the "last" one wasn't the last) was a news story stating that people who have vigorous regular sex can stay young! What do ya think?

Oh, I should probably talk about lunch. The plan was to meet downtown at noon, so I decided to head out of the house at around one, drive down to Kennedy station, hitch a ride on the subway, and make it there with a few minutes to spare. No problem. I drove down to Kennedy station and turned into the parking lot and.. waitaminute. Why are the gates closed? I sat there in the car in the middle of the driveway into the parking lot wondering what the heck was going on. The TTC generally opens up all of it's parking lots at nine (access to the parking lot is reserved for metropass owners beforehand). Looking around for some help, I saw a sign to my right. Skimming over the notice, I saw that the parking lot was opened to the public at.. 3 PM. Three?!? When did they change this? I only had forty minutes to make it downtown and I wasn't planning on driving all the way. (Nor looking for parking down there.)

Okay, okay.. this is not a problem. Take a deep breath.. *breathes* I could still make it to Warden station (the next station down) and park at Warden Power Mall. (What a silly name, it used to be called Warden Woods, but I guess it sounded to wimpy or something.) Turning out of the driveway (I've been making a fair number of u- and 3-point turns lately) I headed to Warden station. I got there in good time, and drove into the parking lot. I saw a big sign over a small stairway,

To Subway

and proceeded to park my car near the stairway. Then I noticed another sign posted in front of my parking spot,

This parking spot is reserved for customers only. Time limit of two hours.

What the.. Curses! What can I do? The TTC parking lot for Warden station was right next to the mall's parking lot, so I took a gamble and headed there. Turning into the driveway, I noticed that the gates were open. Looking at the sign posted at the front of the driveway, I saw that the lot was opened to the public at.. nine. *blink* What the heck? Why did they change the time for Kennedy station? I guess too many people were parking there or something? In any case, I found a spot in the (very big) lot - it wasn't hard, there were plenty of spaces available - and walked to the station.

I made it to the predesignated meeting place with a minute to spare. *wipes brow* (The other party, on the other hand, was a couple of minutes late =)

Lunch was good, although my pasta was a little on the dry side. They were a lot faster than the last time I was there, but then again, I might've been carried away with talking and didn't notice the time fly by..

Oh, it also seems as if I've got two people hounding me to buy new pants. *looks down at ripped jeans* Come on! It's just a little ripped. It's still good! It's still good! Besides, I don't look like too much of a slob do I?

As some of you know, I'm pretty bad at finding places to eat downtown, so I'm wondering if there are any good places to eat near the Eaton Centre?

Oh, last night while I was introducing myself to people at the broomball thing (which was good, Squishy, you should come out!) one of the guys there wasn't able to catch my name.

"What's your name?"




"I'll just call you John anyway."

*sigh* My name isn't THAT hard to remember is it? (Then again, I might just be mumbling it as always..)

Alright, I think it's time to go check out this new babe hunt..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:47 EDT

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