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[1:01 AM EDT - Chapter Four.]

I hate it when I'm right (sometimes). I never did get around to putting up anything yesterday (or earlier today as some of you might say). Mind you, there wasn't really much to say in the first place, so me missing out on putting up an entry meant that I didn't have time to write up about nothing.

Come to think of it, that's pretty sad.

I've been furiously hacking away at the multitude of quests that they throw at you in the game, but.. Oh man, it can be overwhelming at times. I think I've reached the halfway point, and I've cleared out a fair number of the sub-plots (in the first half at least). I hope to finish the game in a week or so.

This is not to say that the only thing I did today was play the game (although it's pretty darned close, and if I had any say in it..). I actually did go outside to enjoy the (amazing) weather today. Actually, ever since I got the game, the weather we've been getting has been quite exceptional, albeit a little chilly (I like chilly).

girl dragged me out to throw the disc around a bit. It was a little breezy so most of my throws were awful. (Until I threw with the wind.) We were supposed to go out to play roller hockey, but the guys we were gonna play with canceled on us. We were also planning to play bridge (the card came) with someone, but we couldn't find a fourth. Geez, pretty sad huh?

I really should respond to all that e-mail I've gotten and to some of these comments. Argh. I should call people up too. I've been here a month and I'm still in the "moving in" mode. *looks around* It still feels kind of funny.

Oh, I got a link from FlyingS (who got it from Ian) about some guy who set up a club..i You might recognize the name.

Eek, I'm stalling again. I should be responding to e-mail but I'm checking up on homepages.. Need.. to.. do.. something.. semi-.. productive..

Ack. I can't help it. Laz and KGL both have smallish updates. Actually, while I'm talking about KGL, I found it quite interesting that.. well, let's just say that I found her colloquialisms a little odd. (Odd to me at least.) Last Tuesday, when we went out with some of girl's friends to watch "Road Trip" (it was cheap), I suddenly realized that they had some similar mannerisms. I guess KGL isn't as strange as I thought! (Well, not strange in that sense, but in other senses..)


Oh, other people who have updates would include Jax (who's been awfully busy it seems - mind you, anyone will seem busy compared to me) and Sparky, who might be getting back on that journal writing wheel once again!

Geez, I have to stop. Must.. get back..


[4:28 PM EDT - Half mast.]

I actually woke up early this morning. Of course, I went straight to my computer to continue playing BG2. It's a bad habit.

girl dragged me out to go shopping for a gift for one of her friends. We bladed down to Woodside to go and check out the books in the bookstore. To our surprise, and her despair, we found that the book store had disappeared! Crap. Luckily, there was some sort of book clearance sale being held in another part of the mall and we perused their warez. Uhh, I mean wares. Sorry, Freudian slip.

Unfortunately, the selection was a little slim, and I couldn't find anything that interested me. I was going to grab one of the maps that was on sale, but then I saw what was available: Saskatoon, Calgary, Medicine Hat. Right country, wrong province.

We had lunch there before heading home. While eating in the Vietnamese restaurant (which was clearly catering to Chinese folk) I suddenly remembered that entry Jax put up about not tipping at Chinese restaurants. This lead me to the problem when helping people with a corrupt government.

If there is some sort of famine, or humanitarian crisis in a country who's government is found to be using most of the international aid for it's own needs (be it for the army or to sell for money, etc.). It uses this aid to maintain control over the population and gives only a fraction of the aid to the people who need it. Do you:

  1. Increase the amount of aid?
  2. Give the same amount of aid?
  3. Decrease the amount of aid?

I'd hate to be thrust into that type of situation. You can feed the hand that strangles them, or let them starve.

On the way back, girl shouted at me,

"Flag's at half mast!"

Eh? I checked to make sure that my fly was not undone. It wasn't.

"No! The flag's at half mast!"

Oh! She was being literal about it! We had just passed a school who's flag was at half mast (I hadn't noticed myself). Pierre Trudeau died a couple of days ago. If you were a Canadian, you would've heard about it by now. He was Prime Minister of Canada for a good fraction of my life (which ain't saying much since I'm still kinda young), but for some odd reason, he was one of the most popular persons in Canada in recent history. (Which is a feat considering that he was a politician.)

Quite a charismatic leader he was.

HKL came by to return my copy of Freespace 2 and pick up his copy of Final Fantasy VIII. I might try to sell some of my games at some point in time..

I don't know why I'm agreeing to this, but girl's going to take me out to some Latin dancing thing.. I dunno.. *looks down at both left feet*

In ant case, the weather's nice, which means I probably will spend the rest of the day indoors..

[1 Comment]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:07 EDT

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