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[12:45 AM EDT - News from Dawn Sawth.]

Okay, enough with the accent stuff. Anyway, (like, anyway) I was surprised to see that Tiffi has an update up! (She rants because she doesn't have any other news.. which is better than me. I ramble when I don't have news.) I was even more surprised that Sparky's also got an update up! (I thought she fell of the face of the planet or something.. I guess it was the "or something" in this case.) I also noticed that she slightly changed her layout - dropped the bottom banner. Very good, very good.. *nods in approval* (says the person who has no sense of fashion)

Oh well.

So, this is my token entry for today. With my dedication to my newest game, I've gotten less and less inclined to update this thing. Geez, what would happen if I got a gf? *gasps at the thought* Well, lucky for you, that future is highly unlikely and you'll be seeing many more updates in the days to come (unless I get marauded by a bunch of rabid squirrels). Oh, there goes my imagination again, that's what happens when you stay up all day staring at a computer monitor. *rubs eyes*

Actually my connection is amazingly fast ATM. I should take advantage of it. *surfs to www.playboy.com*

Just kidding! I think I'm going to go to sleep.


[1:20 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: Slept in.]

I see I needed my beauty sleep last night. Actually, that's not entirely true. I was awake at six-thirty this morning. Why you ask? Well, a certain person locked their keys in the car and needed me to drive down and give them a spare set. *groan* Oh well, it could've been worse. (Besides, it gave my body an excuse to sleep in even later than normal!)

I think the extra sleep also helped induce extra weird dreams that I only vaguely recall. One had to do with some sort of army presence at some makeshift camp (with cabins and stuff). I think it was some sort of containment area, although we never got answers. When I said "we" I meant weirDo, Werdna, and one other person (I'm not sure if it was Laz or not). Anyway, I remember there being some sort of gathering of army guys and their families and we were invited. There were a lot of people, but I had this feeling that we were being watched. Then, we found ourselves in some sort of army operated apartment complex. Only weirDo and I were registered for the room, but Werdna and the fourth guy was there as well. We were trying to figure a way for the other two guys to sleep in the apartment (there were two couches so that wasn't a problem) when I came across this list of names. Some of them were highlighted. The ones that were we assumed to be living in the apartment complex.

The dream then shifts to a parking lot full of nearly junked 70's cars. It's like I'm watching a newscast or documentary because there's a reporter/narrator talking about the situation in this part of the country. Then I find myself walking in this junky parking lot walking through it with weirDo (the other two guys are gone). He's there trying to explain to me the situation that they're in (I'm like a visitor or something). He asks me,

"Do you know a Ken(?) Socrates?"

Apparently I didn't, but the name sounded familiar. It seemed as if that Socrates guy was running this operation, preventing people from leaving that area. How? I couldn't get an straight answer from weirDo, but he lead me to the entrance of the compound. There was one exit, with this weird contraption that let people in and out. Some huge metal slabs (well, not slabs, but hunks of metal in a specific shape) came down from the top of the enclosed entrance, rotated and shifted, before going away. It was like playing one of those side scrolling games. I was marveling at the superfludicity of it all, when I found myself sitting in some sort of lobby (vestibule) with weirDo and these four teen chicks (who also looked like they were from the seventies). Actually, they reminded me of Jose and the pussycats. One of them, the one who looked like Jose, had her shirt open, and her chest was bare, except that her nipples had pins on them. Round ones the size of a marble. Sure looked painful. Anyway, they were all singing (to pass the time), when one of them said,

"He hasn't come this morning, he might not come!"

To which there was much rejoicing. (He? Could be Socrates.) Then there was talk about finding a cop and explaining their situation. The vestibule was part of some building next to a busy street. People were milling around and the weather was horrible outside. It was very windy and it was raining. The one that looked like Jose (after changing pins) put on her jacket and decided to head out to look for a cop while the others would wait. I offered to go with her "just in case", but weirDo shook his head and I stayed behind. We watched as she headed up the street and started waving. Did she find a cop? Uhh.. that doesn't look like a cop.. It was some big roundish guy who joined up with her and headed towards the vestibule. (Socrates?) I put on my jacket and slipped out while they were exiting the vestibule. I headed in the other direction so that I could cross the street and follow them from the other side. As I was crossing the street, I noticed that I couldn't see them..

And then I woke up.

It's nearly as bad as the FF8 dream I had..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:27 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)