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[11:41 AM EDT - Morning rush.]

Here I am in cloudy Waterloo. The defence just finished so I've got some time off before going out for lunch. I don't know how people do it. The morning rush I mean. Holy crap Batman! Anyway, I should get off, I'll complete this update later.


[2:12 PM EDT - Afternoon wait.]

I've just come back from lunch and passing out all of the cards that I brought. I'm basically done here except for the fact that I need to pick up a copy of Homeworld: Cataclysm from weirDo. That may require a bit of waiting..

Doh! Guess what I forgot? I forgot to bring back his copy of MDK 2! Argh!


[10:29 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: Evening rush.]

Geez, I really don't understand how some people can commute to work. It's madness!

Okay, let's start from the beginning shall we? I woke up this morning and realized that my alarm hadn't gone off. Rolling out of bed, I checked the clock and it read 8:45. Crap, I was late. Fortunately, I was feeling quite refreshed. I figured that if I rushed though, I might be able to make it to the ten o'clock defence. I got into the washroom and started getting myself cleaned up. I went out of the washroom, down the hall to the kitchen where I saw my Dad making breakfast, but there wasn't any for me. I figured I should skip out on food, and headed back to my room. At this point, it gets fuzzy, and I remember trying to turn off my Nintendo, although the switches on the machine were replaced by those telegraph tapping things, so I didn't know how to work them..

..then my alarm woke me up. I knew I was awake this time because I was feeling very crappy. I can't see how people get up like this day in and day out every five out of seven days for fifty weeks in the year, for forty years. It's inhumane! No wonder why people go crazy during the morning rush. Regardless, I still had to turn off the alarm before my body involuntarily threw something at it. I sat around for a little while before jumping into the shower. Just as I started to shower, I saw something dark drip down into the tub below. I didn't need my glasses to realize what that was. Blood. My nose was bleeding again. Out of all the.. at least I was cleaning up whatever mess I was making. I ended up sniffling the entire morning because I was afraid I would break the clot. *sniff*

I was a little slow at getting out of the house, being lethargic and all, but I did manage to get out with an hour and a half to spare. Plenty of time to make it to Waterloo on time. (Yes, I'm a morning rush neophyte.) Immediately after I got onto the highway, I hit a jam. This traffic jam extended the entire way across Toronto, and seeing as I had to cross the city, this was a long way to go (especially if you're crawling at 20 kph. Amazingly enough, I was able to survive the trek through the city's "rushhour" traffic intact, and with half-an-hour to spare. Hmm, if I drove like I normally do, I could make it to the defence on time still! My foot pressed down on the accelerator.

Not far out of Mississauga, I hit another jam. This time we weren't slowed down to a snail's pace, we were stopped. I thought it was slow through the city, but this was SLOW. After sitting in this jam for fifteen minutes, I flipped radio channels to find out what the heck was going on. Apparently, there was something going on on the highway, and one of the lanes was cut off. Fine, I decided to wait it out. Twenty-five more minutes later, I could see that two of the lanes were blocked out by some guys doing construction on the highway. Argh! Aren't they supposed to be repaving when there's no traffic?

Now I was ten minutes late, and unless I was able to put together a flux capacitor, I was up a creek for making it on time to the talk. I didn't rush (too much). Unfortunately for me, I had forgotten that most of the car lots were based on coin deposits. I had no money on me, and the coin reserves in the car had just been picked dry the day before. That kind of sucked, and I might've been able to have parked at my old place, but it started to rain (I had no jacket or umbrella), and secondly, I didn't want to be even more late. I headed towards the expensive lot and hoped that they'd take interac.

Fortunately for me, they did, but they needed a ten dollar deposit! Argh! I made it to the defence soon after the first round of questions had started. So basically, I missed out on the talk (which usually is boring) and made it in time for the grilling (which usually is boring). Not all too many people showed up, but at least it was a bigger crowd than mine. The defence went well, and RHS got his degree. We took him out for lunch and I hung around a bit. I went over to weirDo's place afterward to get my hands on a couple of titles, before heading home.

After making a couple of coasters, I had the goods, and I headed back. I found it quite odd that it was raining the entire day, and only started to let up just as I was leaving the city. Unfortunately, I was heading in the direction of the storm, which meant that I had to drive right back into it to get back home. I did get to see the rainbow just before I plunged back into the maelstrom. The sky just west of the storm was completely clear, so the sunlight from the setting sun was so bright that I was treated to two rainbows before the light faded.

The drive back was uneventful, although the traffic was terrible. Again, there was a traffic jam the entire length of the city. The pouring rain didn't help matters much. Nevertheless, I was able to make it home, albeit a couple of hours late. I'm still surprised at how much traffic there is during the day/night. There are too many people in this city!

Oh, a couple of things I forgot to mention. The first is that I was looking through some of the pictures taken at the film festival and noticed a rather good looking girl in one of them. Checking the caption, I saw the name: Jill Hennessy. What the heck? It must've been the hair. She looks better with long hair (I didn't really think she looked that hot before IMNSHO).

Oh, for weirDo's personal edufication, the month was November 1981. I would normally say "if I recall correctly", but I'm absolutely sure.

That's it for now. I think I need some sleep..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:33 EDT

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