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[12:38 AM EDT - Still here?]

I'm still here at school. I've finally started recovering some of my files, but I don't know how long I can stay up (considering that I've skipped dinner). While I've been waiting for my files to be backed up, I've been wrestling with a couple of dilemmas in my mind which all somehow came to a head at the same time. Unfortunately, as I write this, I have slowly forgotten them..

Oh wait, it's still there. Man, I'm getting old. I've been going over some of my old stuff and wondering what sort of events shaped my teenage personality. I must say, I was quite a depressed child back then. If I was there now, I'd slap myself around and tell my to stop feeling sorry for myself. Man, what a sniveling dweeb. *glares at younger version of QYV*

Anyway, that wasn't the dilemma that was going through my head. Actually, these really aren't dilemmas. They're more.. "I should get up and do it, and get it over with" sort of deals. Well, at least one is. The other is a dilemma. Although, it's not really a dilemma either. All I can do is wait. Hmm, I guess both of my dilemmas are solved then! Then why am I still in such a quandary?

Argh! This late night thinking isn't doing me any good! Why isn't the recovery program faster?!? *stares at computer hoping that mere willpower is able to speed up the recovery process*

The funniest thing is that all of this may not work at all! I may be recovering random data bits that just happened to have the same names as some of the stuff that I had on the drive. We'll see I guess.

I also have a bug in my program that I should address. Unfortunately, someone's using it so I can't recompile the darned thing. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to content myself with introspective writing (or typing as the case may be).

I keep asking myself. Why the heck do I do this to myself? What the heck drives my mind to go over the edge like that? It happened last year, it's happening again.. maybe it's a yearly thing? *counts months* Uhh, I guess not. You'd think that after years of trying to control something, you might be able to learn some mastery of the object, but I guess that some things are nigh impossible to keep restrained. Argh.


[1:15 AM EDT - Still recovering.]

Argh, this is definitely going to hurt me tomorrow.. er, this morning. I don't think I'll make it back to the house until three or something (which means I won't get up until god-knows-when. *blink* Great, I can't even see straight now! *looks at computer monitor at different angles*

As I've been going over my list of files-to-recover, I've realized that my list of files-I-need-to-recover is getting longer and longer. I hope the two Zip disks I have available will be sufficient (200MB).

I honestly think that life would've been easier if I didn't find that hard drive recovery tool. Ignorance is bliss. So is love. At least that's what people tell me. Actually, I do have a question up that alley. Being single, I find it hard to keep my eye on someone for very long before someone else comes along and steals my view. I'm wondering how some people can be with someone and never worry about ever going after someone else. I mean, that takes quite a lot of control! I can see that if you're in a happy and stable relationship, you can surpress those urges because you're already in nirvana. But I'm pretty pessimistic about my views on relationships. I can't see how every single relationship in the world can last forever. Some will, but quite a number won't.

Never having been in a long, steady relationship, I would like to know how some people do it. It's something that's bothered me for years. It's that feeling that you've found the "right" person, the one that you can say truly and faithfully that you will need no other. There are more questions that spawn from this one. Why do people stay in abusive relationships? Why do people stay with their cheating spouses? How do reconcile irreparable differences?

But those questions are tangents from my original question. How can you say that you "love" someone forever? Can you say that? That is the foundation of marriage is it not? Yet, people get married every day. People get divorced every day. I really don't understand people at all. Love is transient. Everything is transient.

Okay, I must admit that I have been in a situation where I did believe that there was nobody else I would be with except for a certain person. Indeed, when I was with this person, I didn't even care to glance at anyone else, no matter how good looking, or friendly they were. *bangs fist* Damn those hormones!

But, it didn't last forever. Look at me now! *lifts hands* Who would've thunk it?

Call me a pessimist, but I can't see how this works. Do I care? Well, maybe. Right now I'm running low on space on my first disk and will need to switch disks soon, but that won't help my situation (I really need sleep). Sleep, oh man.. what a great id..


[4:11 AM EDT - It didn't work.]

Well, the recovered files were not the files that I wanted recovered. Bascially, it didn't work. Sucky. I think I'm going to go home now.


[10:58 AM EDT - How the heck?]

How did I get up this morning? Guh. I need sleep. *keels over*


[1:14 PM EDT - *waves white flag*]

I've finally given up on recovering the files off of my hard drive. I've just reformatted the partition and am in the process or replacing the files which I had backed up. Wah. I should be installing some programs later so that I can actually do some work on it..

Oh yeah, KGL has a little blurb about how she's doing down under.


[4:14 PM EDT - Cleaning up my stuff.]

I've been slowly installing Microsoft Office 97 onto my Win2k computer. I'm not sure if it's the most wise choice, as I keep getting this error in Excel where it thinks that the file that I just opened was open already. I guess I'll have to check the FAQ.

Err, I guess I was going to say something, but I forgot. *thinks* I'll come back.


[6:14 PM EDT - No flies on me!]

With the removal of the counter graphic, I have now removed my reliance on the FLY graphical program. I guess it was fun to play around with at the time, but it did look pretty tacky. I may still have some things to do with it, but for now, I'm going to leave it as it is.

Oh yeah, I should go and respond to some of those journal comments. *looks* Oh boy. Maybe later. (Dang! I also have all this e-mail to respond to! *points at packed inbox*)


[8:01 PM EDT - Food.]

I'm hungry. I need to go soon. The sky's turned all hazy and I can just feel the rain fall any moment now. I don't have time to respond to the comments today unfortunately. We'll see what tomorrow brings.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:10 EDT

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"I'm worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It's not holding a charge."

Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)