Just got back from blading. My foot seems to be healing, seeing as I wasn't in complete pain when I was rolling around the neighborhood. *looks at foot* It's still a little swollen though, and it's still quite sore. But as long as I don't put TOO much pressure on it.. (one and a half months!)
I also went out and bought myself a router. I got the Linksys model I was talking about a while ago. I hope to set it up tonight so I don't have to wait until girl gets off the computer..
Of course, I might be going out for dinner tonight.. Things are still up in the air.
Ah, I was just called about dinner plans and things seem to be even more up in the air. Boy this is going to be interesting.
Anyway, Laz and KGL both have updates up if you want to check them out.
I came back from dinner a little while ago. Been spending time playing around with the router and setting up the LAN. Needless to say, it works! Yay! *cheers* Now I can surf on the net while girl goes about with her business.
I passed by some sort of accident on the way to get my router this afternoon. There was an ambulance there, but I didn't see any cops, nor did I see anything that could be considered a severe accident (maybe a fender bender, but that's all). Of course, I might have missed out on all the action..
Dinner was pretty good. I hooked up with someone who.. is fun to hook up with (if you're a masochist.. Kidding!). No, it was fun. *nods*
I'm getting pretty sucky throughput rates on this connection unfortunately. It might have to do with the wiring, or the card. It's something I'll have to look into..
I lost the connection to Scienide (and the rest of the world) just a little while ago. It didn't look like a LAN problem, so it was likely the cable modem. Torched that last update. Anyway, as I said before (but never got around to posting), I figured out that the network slowdown may have to do with the RJ-45 I've got connected to my computer. Although most of my TP wire was stolen from the Red Room (I shouldn't say "stolen". They were throwing it away.), I didn't think that any of them were limited in bandwidth. It seems like this cable (which I picked up during a surplus sale) may have been on the cheaper side. I won't know until I start testing the other cables, but if it is the case, I might just get rid of this wire.
<- currently running at 10 Mbps.
Anyway, I might have had other things to say, but I can't think of what I would have wanted to say. *thinks* I think I want to go to sleep. Yeah. Anyway, I should be back tomorrow..
Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 23:50:12 (UTC)
<laughs> Getting kicked off the computer by a girl... did she beat you up too ? or did you go willingly.
In other news: sciclops lives!
Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 23:51:20 (UTC)
btw click on the previous comment authors name for a chuckle.
Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 04:04:05 (UTC)
Well, seeing as it is her WORK computer, I figured that I shouldn't spend too much time on it. Also, having finally installed Redhat onto my old pentium, I've been playing around with the idea of setting up a web server. (Once I clean up this router business.) Know of any good Apache docs?
BTW, I have seen that clip before, but now I have a copy! Muhahaha!
<- adds clip to (very) slowly growing directory of movie files.
Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 15:40:27 (UTC)
"Oh Kermie..."
Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 15:42:34 (UTC)
ambulance is the preferred spelling.