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[11:33 AM EDT - Gift buying.]

You know, I never did go and boy that wedding gift yesterday. I was convinced by girl not to go in because we were going to be late for roller hockey. I reluctantly agreed, figuring that I'd just go today (we'll see). In any case, roller hockey was fun. We played in some sort of inline skating rink at UCC which had this nifty mesh that made it pretty easy to blade around in and wasn't as hard as pavement (so falling wasn't that bad). It felt kind of weird, and it's more slippery than asphalt, so it takes a little getting used to, but it was pretty cool.

Afterward, we showered and went out for dinner with a bunch of other people. Grazie's I think it was. The food was pretty good (considering the price), the place was overflowing with people, and our waiter was very friendly. I felt a little underdressed in my (borrowed) T-shirt and jeans (which I also wore for roller hockey - bad idea). Some of the people in our party were planning to go clubbing afterward so they were fairly decked out, so there were a couple of us who were dressed casually, some dressed to go out, and me, dressed so that I wasn't naked.

It was actually a pretty good night, and we got home a lot later than I had anticipated. Oh well, doesn't really matter.


[2:49 PM EDT - Going shopping.]

I should head out and get that gift soon, I don't want to wait too long before the stores close. Speaking of shopping, Laz had a little shopping spree.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was how much water I drank during dinner, and right after the roller hockey game. Let's just say that I drank like a fish, but very little came out the way I expected it to. Instead, I've been blowing my nose like it was a leaky faucet or something. Quite annoying. *looks at the ever growing pile of facial tissue*

Hey, I also read in the paper that they had torn down a number of playgrounds in the city without consulting the residents, something about the growing problem with piracy in Asian waters, and the growing importance of spam. Spam spam spam baked beans and spam. Okay, I threw in the spam comment, but the other two are legit. I should find links for them..

Oh well, time to head out.


[4:23 PM EDT - Buying woes.]

I tried calling up Laz and Werdna to see if either of them were interested in getting gifts, but neither was home. Too bad.

I made it to the shopping centre forgetting that I was wearing my ripped jeans and CTRL-A T-shirt. I wonder if people there thought I was making a statement or something. *looks down* Eh. I don't think anyone noticed. *plays with holes in jeans*

I made it to the Bay without a hitch, and I went looking for the gift registry machine to make sure that my gift item wasn't picked up yet. It wasn't, and I proceeded to go and head off to the steelware section of the store. I got there and noticed a sign that was posted next to the pans:

Weekend Sale: 40% off all Maitre Noir pans on display.

Oh yeah! What timing! *pumps fist* I looked at the wall and checked out what was available. Hmm.. 20 inch skillets, 12 inch, 30 inch.. *looks at gift registry* Says I need a a stirfry pan. Hmm, I grabbed one of the pans and headed towards the cashier. Plopping one of the pans on the counter I asked the cashier to make sure I got the right item. She looked that the pan (which was a skillet) took a quick look at the display wall and told me,

"It seems as if we're sold out."

*jaw drop* Curses! *strikes pan from list* I guess I won't be doing this the cheap way. Next thing on the list was a rice cooker, so I went to the floor map to find out where the small appliances section was. The map must've been oriented wrong because things weren't where the map said they would be, so after wandering around a bit, I looked up and saw a sign:


Oh. *blink* Okay, back to shopping. I searched for the rice cooker section and came across a familiar sight. Yes, it is the lowly rice cooker. A staple small appliance in my life for the past twenty five years. There was only one type on display, and looking at the tag, I found that the model name was the same as the one on the list, but the model number was different. The price was also different. This was significantly more expensive. Looking at the box, I saw that this rice cooker was designed to feed ten people. Ten people! How big a family were they planning? Not this big I hope. Unless they plan to have me over a lot, I doubt they'd need suck a big rice cooker. I decided to look for something else.

I settled on getting them a mint and a piece of gum. Both are safe, and the gum can be used for hours of pure chewing satisfaction. *puts gifts in large box filled with dead weight and wraps box*

Whew! *wipes brow* Now all I have to do is find a card.. *rummages around in closet for leftover Christmas cards*


[6:52 PM EDT - Broomball woes.]

I just got off the phone with the Toronto broomball convener guy and it seems as if we need people for the Toronto league. Is anyone interested in playing broomball? These guys are pretty good and you'll get a LOT of exercise out of it if you play with them. (Also probably a lot of bruises but I tend not to avoid blocking the ball from these guys.) I was also told that I might be able to get myself a pair of broomball shoes via them, and I might even be able to play in the Port Perry league (which actually has enough people for more than two teams). It also means that all of my Sundays are shot, but..

In any case, I have to go and eat. Food awaits!


[9:07 PM EDT - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.]

There was an interesting article up on ArsTechnica on the National Inventors Hall of Fame. It got me reading up on the Apple ][ and the other Apple machines, then I got interested in looking up the Fortune 500 companies (as well as the Global 500 companies).

Quite a bit of reading, but very interesting (for me at least).

In other news, Jax has put up an update with a question:

Can someone give me the definition of "whitebread"?

Err.. I always thought that white bread made from bleached wheat.

Oh, here we go. girl found some information on it. It seems as if white bread is made from all-purpose flour which is made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel. It contains basically most of the carbohydrates and none of the fibre of the kernel. Yummy.

Of course, she's probably talking about some "slang" term, like "Oreo", or "Banana"..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:17 EDT

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