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[12:13 AM EDT - So what did I do?]

Some of you may be wondering what the heck I did yesterday. Simple. Not a whole lot. I woke up pretty late (past noon), and couldn't figure out if I should go downtown or not. That was decided for me when my mom reminded me that I had to tutor someone that afternoon at three. That basically shot my plans of going down(town). I drowned my sorrows by playing Cataclysm until the cows came home (which was when I finished the game). That's about it. Pretty pathetic huh? At least I can work on more productive stuff now, like maybe finishing up with setting up the Linux box, and that script I've been working on.

The connection tonight is pretty good. I haven't been getting many lags. I might try Counter Strike to see if it's actually playable (and search for those two yahoos, Laz and Werdna, who should also be wrecking some havoc in the Counter Strike arena).

<- still has shivers from playing Cataclysm.

Anyway, I should go and fill out that day I skipped..


[11:26 AM EDT - Goin out.]

I should be going out for lunch soon, but I'm still not sure what's going on with this broomball thing tonight. Ah well. Let's see what's going on..


[11:43 AM EDT - Heading out.]

Argh! I've been called off! Anyway, MJO, KGL, Jax, and Tiffi all have updates. I'll talk about them later.


[7:07 PM EDT - Well I'll be..]

I just got back from my little thing today. I had to do a bit of chaffering before heading over to spend some time with MPS. We went out for lunch and I somehow convinced MPS to go blading with me in Thompson Park. It was actually quite fun, especially considering that it was MPS's first time!

Afterward, we did some picture showing and soy milk drinking before heading home. I gotta get that kid to exercise more..

I was also able to check in with Zippy to see if I could borrow his broomball shoes. He wasn't sure where he had put them, but I was in luck! His parents had found them in the basement. Now all I have to do is to remember to pick them up before I go (and remember where he lives)..

Now the only problem is that I don't know the exact location of the rink..


[11:20 PM EDT - Broomball practice.]

I'm currently at school, dropping off a CD for weirDo, so I figured that I might as well update this page while I was at it.

I just got back from the broomball practice at St. Clements. It took me a little while to find the little town because streets are so hard to find and signs are so hard to read at night. I've actually been to St. Clements before a number of times. Okay, I haven't visited the place, but I did pass by the little town a few times when I was visiting ShadowWhyspr. I didn't notice that there were signs in the city directing you to their community centre which has an ice rink (which is where the practice was being held. I was ten minutes late for the practice, but I jumped right in even though I only recognized Mr. Broomball (Riston and SDS didn't show up).

Most of the players there were of the same caliber as the broomballers I played with in the Toronto league. All of them had hard shots. VERY hard shots (you don't want to be in the path of one of those balls with the equipment that I had).

In any case, I learned some stuff, and realized that I need to buy myself a pair of broomball shoes (I was borrowing Zippy's as I mentioned before).

I also noticed that during the practice, a slew of Mennonite girls showed up to watch us do our drills for some reason. I figured that they were there for a later game or something.

Oh, while I was driving to Waterloo, I noticed an OPP cruiser parked on the side of the highway quickly enough to slow down to respectable speeds (~110 kph). There was this other time when a car was tailgating behind me for a while (going at speeds of 120+ kph), so I let him pass eventually. As I watched the car pass, I saw that it was another OPP cruiser! *heart rate increasing*

But he didn't flag me down or anything. *heart rate decreasing*

Okay, I'm currently parked illegally so I should head out. I'll respond to e-mail at some other time..

Ok yeah, one more thing. I think they're playing "Who let the dogs out?" way too much. The novelty's wearing thin..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:04 EDT

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