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[11:19 AM EDT - The Queen of Spain.]

We went out to dinner to some restaurant that I've never been to with some relatives of ours who are visiting from Windsor. When we first got there, I scanned the restaurant for people that I might recognize (since it was in an area where it was possible some people I know might hang). I came up empty, so I turned my full attention to the food. ("Can't talk, eating.")

This was a Chinese restaurant that we were eating at and most of the patrons were (obviously) Chinese (or of Chinese descent). There were a couple of exceptions though. This black (for lack of better word) guy came into the restaurant, just towering over the rest of the diners. It was quite a sight actually. Later on, I noticed this Caucasian guy (with Chinese girlfriend) take the table next to us. I found it kind of odd that they had such a big table for the two of them, but I figured that if the restaurant could spare the space.. (Actually, it was really busy at that time so it did seem kind of odd to me.)

Okay, so I was a little bored during that dinner, there was nothing much else to do but to eat and look around. Mostly eat actually. The food was pretty good.

Anyway, we were nearly finishing off the last morsels of food on our table when I noticed that the two people sitting next to us (the one with the Caucasian guy) filled out their table. Glancing over, I saw that it was some guy and a girl..


No. I recognized that face. I'd recognize that face anywhere! I had to make sure I wasn't seeing ghosts, so I asked girl to take a look and see who if she recognized that person. She cautiously glanced over and asked me:

"Is that [QoS]?"

Okay, so I wasn't hallucinating. We then debated how we were going to get her attention. After a bit of wrangling, we just turned around and I started waving. It didn't take long for her to notice some movement and turn to see us. Wow. She hasn't changed a bit. I guess she looks a little older, but she still has her girlish charms. We talked for a bit, asking the usual questions: What are you doing now? Where are you living? etc. We didn't talk long however, since we did have to go. I can't believe that she still remembers my number. But I guess as I told Stonaday a few months ago,

"Some things are hard to forget."


Oh well. She gave me her business card and told me to give her a call at work sometime (why at work?). I told her to give me a call at home. *looks at card* I'll think about it.

Anyway, afterward, we (my cousin, girl, and I) went out to karaoke with a couple of girl's friends. Actually, that's no hyperbole. She only knew three people there. I only knew two, and there more than a dozen faces I didn't recognize at the lounge.

Oh, as we were going into the lounge, one of the bouncers asked girl,

"Why are all girls psychotic?"

To which she replied,

"Because our mothers taught us to be."

The bouncers seemed to like that response.

I didn't do much singing (not until people got drunk at least). There was a lot of drinking (and quite a few drinking games) and a lot of smoking. I participated in neither, even though being the "designated driver" was not an excuse not to drink. Ahem, we made it home alive I might add.

Well, that was yesterday, let's see what's in store for today..


[12:58 PM EDT - Slow renovations.]

I've been slowly changing the format of the rest of my site to (more-or-less) match the journal format. I've not even half done yet, but I think things are progressing pretty well. I'm a little worried about the Pictures section. I'm not sure if I should put the pictures in the margin or not. I probably won't, but then it might look funny. Ah well, we'll see how things go.

While I'm here, I'll post some news links (from the ShackNews) that the guys might want to keep in mind. I've never heard of this happening before, but too much pressure (to perform?) can be bad. Also, for those of you who are interested in purchasing some mature video games might have to bring ID..

Also, I found this link intersting. Instead of a twenty ways to leave your lover (or however that song goes), it's twenty ways we're all gonna die.

Oh BTW, for those of you who are keeping tabs on Transmeta (or planning on getting shares - IPO soon!), it's just been released in one of the Vaio laptops from Sony.

Let's see what else is going on..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:59 EDT

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