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[1:05 AM EDT - So full.]

I'm so full. I had a little more food than my stomach could.. stomach tonight (or last night actually). But I'm getting ahead of myself. I went down with girl to the Peel Pub for the birthday dinner for one of her friends. I hadn't relized (or had forgotten) that I've been to the Peel Pub once before not too long ago. I went with Stonaday to the pub for lunch during DeeL's bachelor party. (Well, I didn't eat anything, but Stonaday had lunch.)

Anyway, we at dinner there and watched the Leaf's game. They lost to the Senators 4-0. Boo. (That's a KGLism.) I had the chicken platter and a plate of poutine. I had slightly overestimated my capacity for engulfing food, so that's why I'm still a little bloated right now. (Which means I'll get nightmares tonight. Goody.)

Oh yeah, I should also talk about other stuff. We hit a large traffic jam on the way down to the core. While we were sitting around waiting for the traffic to move (while listening to some 80's music being played on one of the radio stations at that time) we watched as a flock of birds took off from one of the green spots on the highway intersection and floutter and float around us, like a large soap bubble, before landing on another green patch of land (or light stand, or car). Sights like that always amaze me, like that flock that I saw on campus a year ago.

Another thing I noticed on the way down to the pub was that the birthday card we were giving to the birthday boy was the same type of card we gave to the previous birthday boy! Apparently the two circles of friends don't actually intersect, but I don't know..

After dinner, our group split up and we went to pick up someone before heading off to another of girl's friend's house (and watched them play scrabble). On the way there, I noticed this girl standing on the sidewalk. She looked cute, but what made her stick out was her clothing. She looked like a prostitute, but she looked so out of place. She was young (in her late teens or early twenties - not THAT young), but what caught my attention was that she looked anxious. A little.. afraid even. I wanted to roll down the window to ask if she was lost or something, but decided better of it. I really don't know what she was doing out there.

Oh well, worrying about it now won't help her any. Besides, I don't want to lose any sleep because I've got some Ultimate to play tomorrow! (Er, this morning.) Geez, I should stop making all of these late night (actually early morning) entries.

For those of you who are interested in Resident Evil, they've announced the director for the movie. Apparently it'll be by Paul Anderson, who's done Mortal Kombat, Soldier, and Event Horizon. I've seen Mortal Kombat (*points finger into mouth*) and Soldier (*points finger into mouth and makes loud gagging sounds*). I'm sorry, but if the movie is like these master bombs, then I'm definitely out.

Okay, off to bed for me.

[1 Comment]

[11:36 AM EDT - I'm awake!]

Oh look! I'm actually up! I should head out soon (well, eat first and then head out) because the Ultimate thing is in less than an hour! Gadzooks! I best be heading out soon.

I should be back around mid-afternoon. Hopefully people will still be accessable so I can do the animé thing..


[3:01 PM EDT - It's nice to be clean.]

I just took a shower after my little bout with Ultimate this afternoon. I made it to the field a little late, but the game didn't start until one or so so I didn't miss much. When I got there, DWC looked at me and said,

"I got to buy you a pair of track pants."

Uh oh. I think I know what I'm getting for Christmas.

The weather was pretty miserable. It was windy, it was cool (which I liked), and it was raining. That made it hard to run (I had no cleats), had to throw, and hard to catch. We did fairly well actually. The score was 15-2. I was surprised that we actually got two points! (I got the first one in the first half and DWC got the other in the second half. We might've caught up if there were more halves, but alas, there were no more halves to spare.)

What I didn't realize was that there was supposed to be a second game right after the first one (at three). *looks at note in notebook* Hmm, I wrote down twelve to three. Nobody told me about this second game..

No worries though. We were thinking of defaulting, but the other team showed up with only three people (that's a fair number considering the weather and all). So they defaulted before we could. Yay! We win!

I won't be able to make it to the game next week (with Growly's wedding and all), but I was told that the game the week after was the playoffs! What the heck?!? Holy short season Batman!

Anyway, now I'm waiting for a phone call from the person who has the tapes. Phone tag is only fun when you're "it".


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:10 EDT

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