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[12:34 AM EDT - Puzzle.]

Why am I still up? Well, I was putting some of my magazines away and started sifting through a couple of issues of Omni that I picked up ten years ago. One had "The best of Omni games" and I found some of the puzzles quite interesting. One that caught my eye (which I'm still working on) is the following:

LOOKING BACK. How far from Earth would you have to be to see one third of the surface?

Sounds like a simple math problem right?


[2:05 AM EDT - Autorun.]

Found this a while ago and figured I might as well put it up here before I lose it.

  1. Change the Autorun value in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CDRom
  2. To disable the Autorun feature, change the Autorun value to 0. To enable the Autorun feature, change the Autorun value to 1.
  3. Restart the computer.

Let's see if this works..


[10:13 AM EDT - Awake.]

I still can't figure out why I keep waking up earlier and earlier despite going to bed later and later. *scratches head* In any case, there were some things I had to do. Now all I have to do is remember what they were..

Oh yeah, I can't figure out why accessing my page is so slow from my location despite the lack of network activity at some points in the night. More specifically, why the scripts are slow as sin. It might have to do with the load on Scienide.. *goes and checks*


[10:21 AM EDT - Maybe it's the shoes?]

It's not the load, it's only hovering around five. There's plenty of power to go around. *wonders* Well, I'll have to check it out at some other time then.


[10:44 AM EDT - Buying gifts.]

I've been meaning to do this for some time now, but I keep forgetting about it. I should head to the Bay and see what I can pick up..


[3:17 PM EDT - Roller hockey.]

I've been searching around for any new information on the Toronto broomball league, but it seems as if there's nothing new on the net (and my information's nearly three years old!). Hmm, I hope there's still something there..

I'll be going to play roller hockey later on today. I've only played.. twice, so I suck. I also don't have all of the proper equipment so I'll be playing with fear. Finally, my foot still hasn't healed completely so I'll be somewhat lame. Great, so why am I going again?

Oh yeah! I have to go pick up that wedding gift. It's a little early, but I figure I should get it out of the way before I forget (again).


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:43 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)