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[1:33 AM EST - Put on hold.]

Porting the page will have to be put on hold for the next little while because UW seems to have reduced it's bandwith to me down to a trickle. (Probably all of those darned Napster kids - and no, I don't use Napster.)

I've got a backup copy over at BEGghILOS2 right now that seems to work, so I'm going to see what sort of things might need to be fixed (I found a couple already - mostly semantic). What I really want to know is how good/bad BEGghILOS2 is connected to the internet. One way to check is to ping some computers on the internet, but I usually don't get much back when I do it manually, so it won't tell me much anyway (except that my connection sucks). What I need to know, is exactly how sucky it is.

Eh. I think sleep sounds better.


[12:10 PM EST - Up and about.]

I actually got up early today. I mean really early. Okay, so ten in the morning isn't all THAT early, but it's early for me, especially if I'm not using an alarm. I was quite impressed with myself actually. However, all it does is make up for yesterday's tardiness and leaves my average at around noontime.

Anyway, I've got to shovel the driveway today, so I should get ready. I'll check on news later. Oh yeah, Bush is president for those of you hiding under a rock. I felt I might as well say something because everyone else was.


[1:19 PM EST - Sunny and warm.]

What a nice day it is out there. The sun was shining, the air was warm, the birds were singing, and the cute girl across the street watched me as I shoveled the driveway. Okay, maybe the birds weren't singing, but it was a really nice time to go outside. Actually, it was a little too warm to go snow shoveling since I was drenched in sweat after I had finished, and I was only wearing a T-shirt and light jacket! Still, it felt good after moving all of that white stuff and watching the freshly exposed asphalt hungrily absorb the sun's bright rays to melt the remaining snow that escaped the fate of my shovel.

Waxing a little poetic huh? Maybe I'll go outside to check on the pond once I get my wind back.


[1:28 PM EST - Short news.]

I just popped over to the ShackNews to see what was going on, and I came across this editorial wondering if the internet has peaked. I also found a link on ArsTechnica to a 20Q project which I haven't been able to check out yet.


[1:42 PM EST - Surprise.]

Laz has a snort update on a long day that he had yesterday. No, that was not the surprise. The surprise was KGL's entry which was very long, open, honest (and sappy, yes) with the kicker being that it was not cryptic! My god! She must've been really emotionally moved to write that piece. I guess she's a lot softer than she looks. *thinks* Wait.. that's not saying much! *ducks*

Finally, we've got NVM who's got some fashion tips for those who don't care about fashion. *takes notes* Poor kid, I remember taking exams.. once.


[5:27 PM EST - Little changes here and there.]

I fixed up one of the pictures that was bothering me and dropped the Help page. I didn't think anyone would really care actually. I mean, web pages should be inherently self-explanatory right?

Well, there goes a fine day of sunshine, I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I've been invited out to a pot luck dinner thing, although I won't know anyone there. Goody. It's all about the free food baby! (Replace "food" with "stuff" and you've got a KGLism.)

Hmm, speaking of food, I think we have some cake downstairs..


[7:44 PM EST - Gaming news.]

Okay, I just turned off most of you guys with that title so I'll try to keep it short. Anyway, there are two editorials (found on the ShackNews) I like to put up. The first is about the future of console gaming with the introduction of the X box. This guy is predicting that there will be a gaming crash similar to the 1984 Atari crash. The piece is fairly well written, but the comments brought up a lot of very good points as well. Personally, I don't think that there will be a crash, and I welcome the extra competition to the market, although I doubt that all of the big players in the market (Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft) will come out unscathed. I guess time will tell huh?

The second editorial is about how games are bad for females with the usual argument being that the females portrayed in games are displayed in an exaggerated and stereotypical manner. Umm.. does that mean I should stop choosing the girls in their (very short skirted) school uniforms in DoA2?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:59 EDT

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