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[1:29 AM EST - Like, eww.]

Howdy folks! I guess I forgot to throw up an update when I got home from skating, but hey. Other things were calling (like hot chocolate *smacks lips*). Anyway, there were a couple of things that I forgot to mention before I left. I read in the paper today about some sort of crackdown that's going to take place in Toronto. The police are going to go out and catch all jaywalkers. That's right, those indecent, immoral villans who plague our streets and give heart attacks to every average joe driver will be hunted down to extinction. Honestly though, the total number of convictions for jay walking last year was a paltry 562. As the spokesperson said, they should be arresting 562 people a day! Health and insurance costs due to accidents caused by jay walkers are over a billion dollars, so there is some financial incentive to put the pressure on illegal street crossers.

The other news I heard was from @discovery.ca about the partial eclipse that was going to take place on Christmas. It will be the only significant eclipse in North America for the next little while. (The next total eclipse is in 2017.. 2018? Something like that.) In any case, people in our area, and most of eastern Ontario and Quebec should be seeing a 60% coverage of the sun about half an hour after noon, so go out and enjoy the eclipse!

Now while I'm here, I did do some snooping around and I notice that KGL's been busy (as usual) with her updates (although she should be studying). I also came across a number of very interesting articles at the ShackNews. The first is about some woman who bit off some guy's testicle, the second is about a new phone that I wouldn't want to have pointed at me (although owning one is kind of cool), and the third is most disturbing: people who drink alcohol (in moderation) have a higher IQ than those who don't. Man, are you telling me that I could be smarter if I just took a swig of some fine dwarven ale?!? Err.. sorry, that just came out. (Anyway, if I believed that, I'd deserve to be drinking alcohol!)

Oh yeah, skating. We went down to Nathan Phillips Square to meet up with a bunch of girl's friends to go skating at the rink (it's all free!). There were a modest number of people, and although it wasn't crowded, it meant that I couldn't really do anything too dangerous (although there was one guy doing jumps, so I didn't feel so bad). We were out there for about an hour and a half, and although the rink "shut down" at around ten-thirty (the lights were turned off, and the changing room and skate rental closed at ten), there were still skaters out and about. This changed a few minutes later when most of the general skaters left and were replaced by a number of (pick up) hockey players. They started to play their game, and I tried to stay out of their way. Got close once, but nobody was hurt! Nothing to see folks! *waves people away*

It was pretty good, although it was still windy and cold (although not as windy or cold as Tuesday. Anyway, I think it's time for me to pack up and go.


[12:45 PM EST - Eyes narrowly open.]

Ugh. I should stop going to sleep so late. Umm, let me see. I found an interesting article on ZDNet about IBM developing magnetic RAM (or MRAM). It has the potential to revolutionize the memory industry. So they say.

Other things of note, KGL seems to be past her panic stage an onto her acceptance stage (which is the point where she doesn't care what happens, as long as it's over). NVM on the other hand, is quite annoyed. Let's see. That's about it!


[5:14 PM EST - I did it again.]

I screwed up my script again while I was doing some reformatting. Again it was because I didn't check out how the page looked with javascript turned on. *sigh* Anyway, it should be fixed now. Thanks to KGL for pointing it out (who BTW didn't seem to like that exam).


[10:32 PM EST - Early late update.]

How are you folks doing? I went to my grandma's place for dinner and that's about it. I've been spending most of my time cleaning up my room (which is still a mess) and cleaning up the site (which is also still a mess). Cleaning never seems effective does it? Anyway, I found this article on the ShackNews. I wonder what the ad looks like..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:55 EDT

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