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[12:30 AM EST - Pooped.]

I'm dead tired. I need to take a nap. Sleep sounds like a better idea, but I've got some updating to do. Anyway, let's see now.. I had to drive girl down to the Town Centre, so I figured that I might as well drop by the Civic Centre and see if the rink was open or not. Now I figured that the weather being as cold as it was (minus five degrees) plus the windchill (holy wind Batman!) that the rink would be frozen solid. It was. It was also very empty. Whee! So silly me, I decide to strap on my skates (which I had brought along just in case) and headed out to the ice. Boy was that dumb. At least I wasn't the only one to suffer out in the cold and wind. Some kid and his dad was also out to skate on the rink (they were putting on their skates when I got there) and so I couldn't do anything too fancy, considering that there were actually people watching the rink at that time. The three of them were hiding when I first checked the rink - they kept an eye on us for the whole duration. Heck, that's what they're paid to do right? Anyway, I only had my broomball jacket and gloves on. I should've brought along a toque because my head felt like an ice cube after a few minutes in the wind. I lasted a whole thirty minutes before I got really tired (it's really had skating into the wind) and the headaches were telling me that my blood was probably clotting in my brain.

I was able to do some stuff, so it was good. Next time I should come more prepared, but the one good thing about bad weather is that few people will be out to take advantage of the free ice! (And I'm still young enough to take this sort of punishment.)

Afterward, I headed home, ate dinner, and went out to play broomball. It had started snowing as I approached the rink, so I figured that the storm had started at that point in time. The game was good, got lots of exercise despite feeling bloated from dinner, and afterward, the group went out drinking at Shoeless Joe's. The food was paid for from the kitty, and I had water, so that made my stay very cheap.

The snow had stopped falling by the time I made it out of the bar, which was also when I realized that I didn't have a phone number on me, so I headed home. Halfway back, I realized that there was no snow anywhere around where I was driving. Wow. I keep forgetting how big this city is. Some local storms may hit one part of the city, but will leave other parts completely unscathed. (This included my neighborhood which didn't register any new snow.)

Around that time, I also got stuck in traffic. There seemed to be some sort of construction ahead on the highway, and traffic slowed to a crawl. (The express lanes, however, were unaffected. *shakes fist*) After a few minutes trolling along, I saw a construction sign stating that the left three lanes of the highway were closed. *looks at the road* Umm, the highway only has three lanes! Well, it eventually did pick up an extra lane, we weren't completely blocked off as I had feared. In any case, I took the next intersection off the highway (onto another highway actually) and made it home without incident. Well, there was this cop who pulled someone over behind me, and that ambulence I got out of the way of, but that doesn't really count.

Okay, let's see what I've missed.


[12:36 AM EST - Small changes.]

There seem to me a couple of small updates from Laz and KGL (don't mind her drooling, I think she's on medication or something).


[1:16 AM EST - News.]

I found two stories from the ShackNews. The first is about some guy who beat himself up to make it look like he was robbed. The second is an inside look at tech support.


[12:40 PM EST - *yawn*]

It's past noon already? Aww.. okay. I feel like I need more sleep. But I came across an interesting article at the ShackNews about some sort of new non-lethal weapon that was developed by HSV. Apparently, it uses an ultraviolet laser that's powerful enough to penetrate clothing, but will not harm skin. It causes the recipient's muscles to contract, thus immobililzing the victim and the kicker is that it's not painful! At least that's what they're saying, they have yet to do extensive animal and human tests.

<- buys one anyway.

Other new stuff would include KGL's new layout. Much whiter and brighter than before! (Although the anti-male stuff is still alive and well it seems.) While NVM has a new weird old man story to share.


[8:32 PM EST - A small change.]

I decided that I should make some more changes to the format. (I never did like the other one too much.) I'm still planning on making changes, but I think we're supposed to be going skating or something tonight. *checks*

In any case, Laz has something up, and.. that's about it. Not all too much to talk about. I ended up playing Counter-Strike, and got really annoyed by the lag I suffered from. It's not the normal "everyone is frozen" type lag, but the type of lag I'm suffering from is partial. I can still play, but I don't get any messages until minutes after the fact. This ain't too much of a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that I can't buy anything! *runs around with just a pistol* I actually got quite a number of kills with that USP (and no armor). Now if I only had a Steyr..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:32 EDT

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