Man, I think I've had the most sleep in one day yesterday. *thinks* Well, if you start from midnight, then that probably isn't the case. Anyway, I've got quite a bit of updating to do, so I'll be back later.
I think it's time for me to get some food. I need to look for something and drop off something. Dang, so much to do, so little time to do it..
Laz and KGL have been at it again, doing their routine updating. I, on the other hand, found this rather interesting page while searching on Google.
I've changed the format a bit again. I think Squishy's right. This does look a lot better, and it's a bit less confusing.
Anyway, I've got to vacuum the house and then were off for some Christmas dinner. I guess I won't be doing any of the things I was planning on doing, but heck, I'm to tired to care.
I'll be heading out soon. I still have some cleaning up to do in my room, but in general, things are going pretty well. I decided to put this link on Microsoft's attempt to produce a 3D UI which I found at ArsTechnica. Nifty.
Sorry, I'm just checking to see if this will work.