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[12:12 PM EDT - I'll just stay to the right..]

Ugh. I can't move. I've learned an important lesson today. Do not play hours of roller hockey before going out for a 50 km bike ride. It is a bad thing. I think I'll leave it at that for now. *collapses*


[3:42 PM EDT - Up.. date.]

I noticed that there was a new entry in Jax's guestbook. Methinks that people are starting to stop sending those annoying private messages! (Annoying because nobody can see them.)

I also noticed NVM having problems with studying..


[5:12 PM EDT - Oye Como Va.]

Wow, this song brings back memories (all of two years old, but they're still memories).

Anyway, I'm a bit more concious right now with food in my belly and a need to play Diablo 2. *shakes fist*

Oh yeah, the Ride for Heart. It went.. Yeah, it went. The weather didn't exactly cooperate today. I had expected it to rain and unfortunately didn't prepare for it (I was in my jeans and jean jacket yet again). Because I had the earlybirt slot, and had to get up at five-thirty, the drive down to the Ex wasn't too bad until I got to the parking lot. There were quite a number of other early bird bikers at the starting gates, but these numbers paled in comparison to the corperate and regular heats. This was good for us since the less people around, the more space to manuver.

The ride up was tough, but I took it easy. I knew I was in no shape to do any exercise so I conserved my energy. (Quite humbling to be passed by so many people when I'm so used to doing all of the passing.) By the time I reached the halfway point, I knew I couldn't take too many more hills. *downshifts* I could barely take on any gentle inclines either! *continues to downshift*

There were two points during the ride that stuck in my mind. The first was when I was passed on the right by this girl who told me (en passant),

"Jeans are bad on your knees when riding."

"I know," I muttered after her. Then she shouted back,

"Then why are you wearing them?"

as she disappeared into the distance. I was going to tell her that it was because that was all I had, but that was a pretty stupid excuse. Then I was going to tell her because it was comfortable (which they were) but it had been raining and wet jeans are never comfortable. While all of this was going on in my head, she had already merged with the blur of cyclists ahead and I left it at that.

Another thing I noticed was that the every now and then, I heard a crunching sound as if my bike had run over a nut. Looking down, I noticed hundreds of yellowish rock-like objects that littered the road. While I was trying to figure out what the heck they were, I overheard a conversation where a passerby (yes, they were passing me) said,

"Maybe a few of these snails will actually make it across today with the stop in traffic."

Snails! Of course! Wait.. why did I say "Of course"? I didn't know that! *crunch* Then it brought back memories of driving downtown during rainy days and I remembered hearing funny noises from the pavement when I drove across this stretch of the highway. *crunch* Poor critters. I tried to avoid them after that.

I was going at a relative crawl by the time I hit the three-quarter mark and by then, the late starting 25 km group was merging with us. This made the roads a bit more congested, but I stayed as far right as I could. I nearly died when I went up the last major hill onto the Gardiner, and realized (to my dismay that the final leg was (slightly) uphill and upwind. No coasting for me. *downshifts again*

I finally made it to the finish line two hours and fifteen minutes after I had finished. Better than I thought I did, but not as well as I wanted to do. Ah well, there's always next year..


[6:11 PM EDT - Badminton's on!]

Oh dear, I just got a call informing me that there will still be badminton for at least the next two weeks! Dear lord! All my plans, torn asunder!! (Okay, I make it sound so bad but it isn't.)

Hmm, I'll have to look into the dates and scheduling and figure out what to do..


[10:42 PM EDT - Speak Ingles.]

Uh, I don't know about you, but apparently this has been floating around for some time. How come I just heard about it? Speaking of floating around for some time, is it only now that people realize that universities are hacker breeding grounds? (Both are ShackNews news.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:04 EDT

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