DP wants me to sing at work. He asked me how many Tom Jones tunes I knew. Only one came to mind at the moment (It's not Unusual), but a couple more have crept into my mind since then. Oh dear. I really hope he doesn't ask me to sing. *hides all glassware in a kilometer radius*
So tonight was good. Things actually turned out the way things were planned to turn out. Well, maybe not planned to turn out per se, but.. ah, whatever. It's all good.
Man, I'm thirsty.
Whoa. On the drive to work this morning (it rained and it might rain again) I saw a car that just had an accident. It was a single car crash, and I think I got there just after the accident took place because the driver was still inside the car with that "I just crashed" look on her face. Coincidentally enough, the car had sheared off the front bumper and grille, and the location of the accident was at the same bend of the road where a certain girl I knew took off the front of the car she was driving..
Maybe that part of the road is cursed or something.
I noticed that a number of people were slowing down, but nobody was stopping to check it out, so I pulled a Ue and talked with the driver. (Although I don't know what I could've done since I don't have a cell and my first aid training is a few years old..) It seemed like she was fine, and she was already calling the police on her cell. I figured that I couldn't really do more in that situation so I got back into the car and went to work.
Oddly enough, as I was crossing Kennedy, I saw another accident, this one quite minor. Two cars were in the turning lane, and it was obvious that something was wrong because people were coming out of the cars. I guess one bumped the other but from my vantage point, the damage was minimal. (Especially after seeing the coolant resevoir through the front of the other car.)
Well, back to work I guess..
Ahh, KGL's starting to crack under the pressure methinks. You know, I've always thought that KGL was pretty darned tough, from her actions and aura. Hmm, would people have treated her differently if she was more sensitive and open?
Hey, I finally got to develop that roll of film that I started a couple of months ago. Man, it doesn't even seem so long ago either..
Anyway, I'll probably scan in a couple of those pictures, but none of these are really good quality shots. *sighs*
Hey, guess what, apparently there's supposed to be a some sort of gettogether a month after a baby shower. At least that was what I was told. Apparently it's taking place tomorrow. Apparently, this is the first time I heard about it since I'm already going to Orillia for the broomball gettogether. (I'm skipping out on the ultimate one to go to it too!) My my, when it rains..
One more thing, I'm either getting close to finishing Deus Ex, or there are a lot of hidden maps in the game since things seem to be slowly wrapping up. I hope to finish it tonight, if that's possible. Of course, girl rented a movie ("Last Night") so I might check it out too. Oh yeah, there's also a roller hockey game tonight. Yahoo! It's good to be occupied.
Wah, roller hockey got canceled. I guess I'll be finishing of Deus Ex then! (As long as it stops crashing on me.. *grumbles*)
While I'm here, I stopped off at the ShackNews and saw that Britain's a happening place. There's this guy who changed his apartment into the Starship Enterprise, while July 31 is national orgasm day. We'll see what MJO has to say about that!
Friday, June 22, 2001 at 10:44:32 (UTC)
Singing at work? What?
Must be one of those wierd North American workplace things...
Friday, June 22, 2001 at 10:45:37 (UTC)
oops - weird
Friday, June 22, 2001 at 19:22:28 (UTC)
Actually MJO old chap, he's from England! I was going to ask you if you were being forced into hard singing labour on that side of the pond.
Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 16:46:37 (UTC)
Orgasm day, eh? Fine..
As for the singing, did he work in a mental institution? The stereotype of reserved english people is still very, very true at work. Give them a drink and they're completely insane, but work is very buttoned down.
Monday, June 25, 2001 at 03:13:36 (UTC)
Actually, them English folk can really hold their liquor can't they? Must be in the genes.
Monday, June 25, 2001 at 08:56:09 (UTC)
The one truly Scottish person I ever met could really hold his liquor. The english vary. It's still quite true though - they're insane once they've had one too many - brawls and general fighting are a major problem around 11pm when the pubs close.