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[9:36 AM EDT - Truncated.]

I'll be leaving work early because of the trip. Hopefully, I'll have everything fixed and ready to go so that I won't have any headaches next week. =)


[Sunday, July 8, 2001: Defending bubbles and chicken animé!]

I left work about half past eleven. I remember leaving work (a little late) before for Dusty's defence oh-so-long ago and ended up missing out on the talk. I vowed not to miss out on weirDo's talk this time and managed to make it to the university with half-an-hour to spare! Aren't you all proud of me?

The talk was scheduled to start at half-past-one so I didn't get much time to socialize before the defense began. I did notice that weirDo was wearing casual clothing (as did Dusty and RHS). Compared to the suits of old, it seems as if I started a trend with my plaid shirt and jeans huh? (Ironic, the trend bucker being the trend setter.) weirDo didn't seem all too nervous about the whole thing, although I've never actually seen that boy nervous at all. Well, to make a long story short. The talk went well, and he answered the questions very well. It was pretty obvious that he was going to pass, although it did take a long time before we got to that point. I was supposed to pick up VanPi for lunch at quarter-after-three and as the clock approached three, I started to glance at the time more and more often. There weren't many people who showed up to the talk. In fact, there were less people at his defence than mine! I made the bone headed mistake of taking my stuff up with me to the offices on the off chance that I'd be taking pictures and/or showing off my laptop. Since I didn't want to lug my equipment down to the talk, I left it all in weirDo's office. Any thoughts of leaving the talk early were dashed when I realized that the office was locked (which is the reason why I left the stuff in there in the first place) and I didn't have the key (anymore). So I had to wait until the end of the talk before I could convince someone to open the door for me. Stoooooopid! *smacks forehead*

Anyway, the talk ended at around quarter after, so I quickly congradulated weirDo for a job well done, bade goodbye to the (non-committee) audience (all four of them) and went to get my stuff.

I made it to the rendezvous point fifteen minutes late. Not too bad I guess. I was planning on going there after the talk (which I assumed would have ended at two-thirty) and then wait. But things never go according to plan do they?

Actually, sometimes it's better when things don't work out the way you expect them too because they end up being better than you had expected.

So, I picked up my lunch date (well, it wasn't a "date", I'm just using that word casually) and we headed out for some food. It was nice to see her again after all this time. I had to make up for the fact that I left so suddenly and that I never talked much afterward. (Although really, I always hit the ball out of my court.)

Oh, one of the better lines that came along during our conversation. *points at hole in pants* "I got that from rollerblading." "Weren't you wearing kneepads?" I asked. "Yeah." *pause* "I'm being sarcastic!"

Ooohhh!! *clenches fist* There were many, MANY sarcastic comments in that convo. *shakes fist* Okay, okay. I must admit, I enjoyed it. *hangs head*

After lunch (which finished af half-past-five), I went to pick up someone for dinner. (Well, the plan was for me to finish lunch at four-thirty. Stop by the CTRL-A show for an hour, and then go out for dinner at six, and then come back. As I said before, plans don't always work out, and I'm glad this one didn't.) So, I went to pick up my dinner "date" and after some thinking we decided on chicken for dinner. I hadn't talked to this person in years. Man it was a long time.

After dinner, and a couple hours of digesting, I headed out to the CTRL-A show to meet the gang. Most of the regulars were there, and even NM showed up! I found out that AgentP was supposed to be showing up on Saturday as well, but I knew I wanted to go back home for the weekend. I promised them that I'd show up for the last show and drag Werdna out as well. A few of us went out for dinner after the show, although I didn't eat anything (since I was stuffed after lunch/dinner).

The drive back was uneventful, if you exclude that one moment when I blanked out. It was a very short lapse, although startling enough that the adrenaline kept me up long enough to get me off the highway. I really should stop driving alone late at night.

It was a good trip. I didn't end up tying up any loose ends, but I found out that some loose ends weren't really ends that needed tying up.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:46 EDT

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