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[9:41 AM EDT - Less than an hour to go..]

Can you feel the tension? Can you feel the excitement? Can you feel the huge weight on my shoulders? Probably not, but heck, I'm trying to ignore it myself cuz, man, it would be painful. We'll see how this thing goes. *looks at clock* It's funny how you find so many errors just before you have to present..


[2:31 PM EDT - It's over!]

Yay! It's all over!! *sigh*

So I finally did my defence, and it went over well despite the fact that I thought I sucked crap and couldn't answer any of the questions for the life of me.

Oh yeah, I passed! Yahoo! Now all I have to do is do all of the corrections and hand them in before May 1. We'll see if I can do that..

I never did go over my talk, I was worried I might go overtime since I had thirty one slides excluding the title. I think I squeezed right under thirty minutes, which was the limit (which meant I would've been cut off). Boy was I lucky.

People kept telling me that I did well, but I can't seem to believe them. It felt like I was limping throughout the entire defence and I was being cooked like a roast. Ah well, it's all over! Yay!

Yeah, so thanks for everyone for their support!

Actually, when I woke up this morning, I could hear the rain falling outside and thought to myself "great, pathetic fallacy.". I was able to make it to school during a break in the storm, but it's really coming down right now and I even heard the roar of thunder when we got back from lunch. Oh yeah, our group got taken out to lunch at Time Square after my defence. Mmm. A new degree and free food? Heck, I'll take it!

Some news to report. Werdna told me that DDR has been brought back to the Cove! Ain't that cool? Now I can practice my dance routines again! Mind you, I still have to go down there to check it out and make sure that it's actually there..

girl sent me a link on the situation with three (or less) letter dot coms. Yeah, I already knew that qyv.com was taken a long time ago, but the one I've been thinking of getting is still open..

YTV will be showing three episodes of Gundam Wing back-to-back to gauge audience response. The planned starting time is 5:30pm on Monday, April 24th. I haven't seen it myself so I'm going to go check it out!


[5:16 PM EDT - Reality sets in.]

Hmm.. been surfing around a bit (yeah yeah, I started doing some corrections and realized "waitaminute, this is the long weekend! I should enjoy this time!"), and came across Sparky's site (which has been updated again I might add). She took down her entry from yesterday and put up a survey instead (I can remember what she wrote before I think.. *brain cell dies* Oops.. I guess not.). But at least she's got another entry up today. (Yay! It even mentions me! Although she did misspell QYV..)

Laz also has an update up, and it seems like his road rage is rearing it's rather ugly head again.. (Okay, so I overdid it with the alliteration. Sue me.) I say: Go with the bike! Yeah! Bike till you drop!!

Oh my! It seems as if Tiffi's been able to survive a tornado last night! Kewl! Although I would've pissed my pants in her situation I would like to say "I survived a tornado". Kewl. Glad she's okay, cuz, who wants to die in the pajamas?.


[6:25 PM EDT - Confirmations and realizations.]

Well, it seems as if Werdna is indeed correct. DDR is back at the Cove! (Saw it with my own two eyes!) Also, it seems as if Riston is correct in the fact that there is no co-rec broomball being offered next term. What I just found out was that there's no co-rec volleyball or figure skating being offered next term either! Ahh! *shakes fist at cloudy sky* Why is this happening?!? *falls to knees* Why is this happening to me?!?!? *sobs*

Seems like I'll have to find a couple of new hobbies this summer. (Swing perhaps?)

I've finally added the "previous day" link up on the top of the daily entry, so that you don't have to go to the journal to see what you missed the last day. I think it's robust enough to handle skipped days, but I haven't done extensive testing with it yet. If there are any problems, just give me a shout.

My next project is to add a comment link (á là Laz). But I'll get around to doing that later..

Got up early today. I guess my nervousness got the better of me since I looked at the clock and it was just past seven. Man.. somehow I was able to convince myself to stay in bed until a little before nine so that I didn't get to school more than an hour before my talk. I didn't want to be at school too early since I knew that I'd end up running out of things to do in the morning and just sit in my office.. twiddling my fingers as the clock kept ticking towards the appointed time.. (tick.. tock.. tick.. tock..) Gah! That would've been unbearable! Ah well, at least things are okay now. I can relax.. Ahh.. *reclines in seat and puts feet on desk*

There's a party I figure I might as well show up at. I don't have a ride back to Toronto and that party may be my best bet at getting a ticket home for the weekend. It's either that or the bus, and I simply hate paying the exorbitant prices just so that I could be dropped off in the middle of the city (from which I would still have to pay public transit to get me home.. ugh.). Still, it's a last resort.


[7:53 PM EDT - All ctsed out.]

Been wasting time getting shot in Counter-Strike. Fun game. I must be playing with pretty poor people if I tend to be in the top half of the ranks, but eh, it makes it a much more interesting game for me. I tend to be more of a berserker rather than a sniper since my aim is usually very poor. I don't tend to camp unless I'm the only one left on my team, charging tactics tend to work very well when executed properly. I do like to sit in a nice nest and take pot shots, but against more experienced players these nests aren't very safe. That's too bad, but I guess it's for the best.

I probably should get going before it gets too dark for me to find the house. That CJF! Never gave me a number to call!! *shakes fist* I guess I'll just show up then. Free food I can always handle. The weather outside has gone from bad to.. well, bad. It hasn't gotten any better and the way that I see it, I don't think I'm going to make it too far with the gear that I have.. Eh. I might as well try anyway. I think I'll try to make it for nine. Gotta see if I can remember to bring my glove and film back to Toronto..


[8:51 PM EDT - Time to go.]

I should mention that although the time stamps have been useful at separating my entries, they don't always reflect the time elapsed for events in between. For example, despite the fact that I threw in an update today past two, my defence actually finished around noon (and started around ten-thirty). It wasn't too long, but it wasn't short either. I'm just glad it's over (as I keep saying).

Anyway, I think it's time to go. I think I know where I'm headed, but I'll probably get lost. Whatever. If I don't get back, have a nice Easter y'all!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:54:05 EDT

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