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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

What the.. somehow I managed to forget to log off. (But I thought I did.. ah well.) The weather is much better this morning. Still quite a bit of snow on the ground, but the air is fairly mild and the sun is poking through the clouds, so I don't mind.

Heard I could petition NSERC so see my evaluation, but I think my problem was that for some reason or another I got a two year scholarship and wasn't allowed to apply? It's quite odd. I'll have to break out that letter again. Oh yeah, I got awarded an OGS as well, although I think I'll have to turn it down. *sigh* Turning down more money..

weirDo looked out my window today and hollered:

"Oh my lord, enough with the snow!"

Yes, it's snowing again.

Hmm.. I've been given a number of new pictures to put up for the group picture thing in front of the lab. Much better quality than mine, and you can even see weirDo's face to boot! Will get around to putting up the rest of those pictures tomorrow.

Been sifting through some old e-mail and I figured I clear out the inbox a bit. Here's a link I got for this coming up symposium on molecular spectroscopy. This next link is a page with a whole slew of downloadable forms relevant for graduate studies at UW. You might not be interested, but I need to put the links somewhere, and here seems as good a place as any.

Oh yeah, although it's been a few days since I got this, Squishy's going to be doing the Paddle to a Cure thing for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. It's for a good cause, and if you want to sponser her, you can send me the money and I'll forward it her way! (Really! What? You think I'd keep it or something? I'm not that starving a student.. =) Anyway, wish her luck!

Finally cut my inbox down to under ten messages, I think I'll get back to marking. Ah, my work is never done..

Okay, so I didn't get to marking, but I just noticed that Sparky's page is down.. like gone! It's gone! It's all gone!!! *sob* I guess she wasn't joking when she said that it was gone for good. *sigh*

At least Tiffi's still going on strong so I have some idea what's going on down in the south. (Or sauth as KGL would say..) Seems like her life is getting back to normal, so that's a good thing (and personally I think that behaviour guy is interested.. =).

Oh man, it's really coming down outside. Looks like it's growing into a full blown blizzard or something (at least it's gotten pretty dark, and snowy, and windy). I glad I brought my winter jacket instead of my jean jacket.

<- brought jean jacket yesterday.

What the.. just as quickly as it came, the storm has passed. It's stopped snowing and the sky is brightening! Good grief! The weather we've been getting has been pretty fluxed up lately. Heard from weirDo that Montréal got 67 centimeters from the last storm that came our way. That's over two feet! In April! Madness!

Found out yesterday what the extension .cx was for. (Since Umbriel is being hosted on .cx) I thought it was some bizzare new extension but it was not, it's the country extension for Christmas Island! That lead to another question. Why the heck do people use Xmas as a contraction for Christmas? From what I got in Webster, the X in Xmas is actually the Greek letter chi:

X (symbol for Christ, fr. the Gk letter chi (X), initial of Christos Christ)

Ahh.. so now I know.

Well the storm arrived again, and left just as quickly again. Now the skies are mostly clear and the sun is nearly blinding me through the blinds. What bizarre weather we've been having, and I thought April Fool's was more than a week ago!

Yay! I'm finished! I'm finished! I'm done marking!! *jumps for joy* I went easy on them this time, the average came out to ten percent more than what I usually give.. holy jump Batman! Now I can focus on freaking out for my defence..

Okay, either that or play Counter-Strike (been playing that way too often. So last night, this fire van and fire truck passed by me as I went back home last night. The lights were flashing, the horn was blaring, and it was heading in the direction of the school. I turned around to watch it go past Phillip, so I knew it wasn't another WCRI false alarm, but I didn't watch long enough to see where it went. A couple of people in front of me were still looking and they were muttering something about the truck entering the campus as I passed by them. Hmm..

Laz seems to have liked Counter Strike from his newest entry. He also wants to start a clan.. anyone interested?

Apart from the usual news that pops up every now and then on the wire, I found a Scientific American article on the physics of hard drives (pointed out by the ShackNews) which was rather interesting! (For me at least.) Another bit of information at the ShackNews that Laz may be interested in is that Valve has just partnered up with the Counter-Strike team. Yay!

So it seems like Jax has a new entry, as well as some changes to her page. What happened to that Jax picture? I thought it was kinda cute! Hmm..

Oh yeah, I got a little "hope this helps you with your thesis" gift from Jax.. *shows off brain cell*. Aww.. ain't that sweet? *goes all bubbly and stuff* Maybe I should get her something for her trip..

Oh hey, soon after I cleaned out some of the stuff in my inbox, I started getting quite a bit of e-mail. Some of it was even personal! Zowie! Time to go back to responding..

*looks at clock* Midnight?!? *groan* Time for me to go home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:26 EDT

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