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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Rain rain go away..

Fixed up that Laz picture finally (the one where he's deicing the car). Doesn't looks so crappy anymore.

This is interesting. I got this thing from ArsTechnica after a bit of snooping, and although I think junking those satellites is a huge waste, I don't think Save Our Satellites is gonna work. Still, I hope something will come out of it.. (Come on! Who doesn't want a satellite phone and pager?)

Well looky here. Seems like my complaints have gotten somewhere! The sun's poking out through the clouds and it seems as if we're gonna have some clear breaks.. Ahh!! The sun!! It's too bright!! *turns into pile of ash*

Grr.. found out that I forgot to take into account something that affected my data. Fortunately a correction I used for another reason fixed that problem. Serendipidous! Now all I have to do is be able to convince everyone else that I planned it this way..

I might as well do this now. KGL and Jax both have new .plans up. KGL actually put on an addendum to the previous .plan:

Now give me a big kiss.

Ew. Anyway, Jax wrote:

Hunting for foreign exchange.
21 days left.

I'm hungry.

Been reading up on Sparky's older stuff (okay, older being last week) but quite interesting nonetheless. Tiffi's got a new entry up, and she wants to go to York! Anyone want to help her on her way?

*sound of crickets in the background*

Oh, thanks a lot guys.

Well, here are my suggestions (being a chem grad and all). These are directed to Tiffi, but you guys can glean whatever you want from it. Stay at NSU. It'll be cheaper and easier on you in the sense that all your friends are there and you've just settled into university life. Moving now would turn your world topsy-turvy and adding that to your workload won't make it easy to digest. Once you've got your degree, and you're still interested in going out and doing atmospheric chemistry (or whatever - I know a couple of grad students doing atmospheric chemistry down here. Talk to them if you want - or him as the case my be.) then you can go out and explore the world. Chances are that once you've got a prof that wants you, money shouldn't be a problem. York I think is always looking for people, and I know that UW will be (especially two years from now with the ACE thing). Of course these are just my views, and seeing as I'm blind, you don't have to put a lot of weight on my opinions.

(Personally, I want to get out of here! *bangs on imaginary door* Help! Let me out!!)

Hmm.. *looks* quite a number of homepage updates.. *looks again*. Make that two. Including Tiffi's which I mentioned above, Laz has an update (two actually!) so you may want to listen to his explanation of why he tends to surf the way that he surfs.. (*surfing mustic being played in background*)

Right now I've got a meeting to go to. Then we'll see what's going on tonight..

Hmm.. the meeting was short today. Went out to the Cameron Seafood Restaurant (Chinese restaurant) for dinner. I was against because it was far and expensive but I got voted out. Food was good though, but now I owe money.. wah.

Okay, I forgot that I had to do laundry today so I best be going now. Wah.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:04 EDT

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