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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Aww cripes, I can't believe I forgot it at home. *bangs table* I guess I'll have to see if I can recall what happened over the past couple of days from memory..

There were quite a number of things I wrote down from yesterday. Unfortunately I can't remember much, so here goes. Cosmo came by to visit on Thursday. Had the week off or something like that and came back home for a while. Stopped by the university before going back to school.

What a waste of a day. I didn't get up in time for skating today since I forgot to do my laundry yesterday (I remembered about it just before going back home from McGinnis - which was around two in the morning) so I had to do it this morning. Oh, I remembered a couple of things from yesterday.

First of all, after the first game, I took off my helmet and dropped it on the ice so I can shake the other team's hands. Unfortunately, the face mask twisted at an odd angle and broke off one of the supports on the helmet. That sucked. It still fits, and it will still stay on when I put on my straps, but it won't be long before the other (plastic) support goes and I have to find something to attach the mask to the helmet. I've been meaning to replace my helmet, but seeing as I don't think I'll be playing broomball for much longer, I don't think I really need to worry that much. Still..

I also landed on my bruised knee (the right one) during the first game and that nearly put me out for the rest of the game. I spent quite a bit of time in the net after that. Actually, I spent some time in the net during the second game as well, but I didn't really face too many difficult shots, so apart from the first knee thing, I didn't get injured (much).

During the second game, KGL and I came up with a chant for TY. It's pretty dumb, but I found it humourous.

I walked with TY back to my office before heading off to McGinnis for a drink. She wanted to go through BCMH so I figured, what the heck. (I usually just take the outside path.) The last time I think I went through that building was when I got my leg biopsy's a few years back. Oh the memories..

Anyway, walking through the building, TY was chatting about this and that and mentioned the game museum. The what? I didn't know we had a game museum! Sure enough, we passed by the (closed) museum on our way through the building. I guess I'll have to check it out sometime before I get out of this place.

On the way from my office to McGinnis, we saw a rabbit running around in front of us (more like running away) in front of the Davis Centre. Hmm.. that's two rabbits in as many weeks. Quite a surprise.

Another thing I keep forgetting to mention was a comment on how bright the full moon (or near full moon) can be. The lights on our street are fairly bright, but the pink light doesn't really illuminate the area near the front of our house. The few days around the full moon, you can see your own shadow from the light of the moon. I found that really freaky the first time I saw that (oh so many moons ago).

I remember now, a few (a few? ha!) years ago when I was at Kearny, I was wandering outside alone during a near full moon out in the middle of nowhere. It was partly cloudy, but whenever the clouds broke, the moonlight would illuminate the vast wilderness around the camp, and it was an amazing sight. Mind you, the lights from the camp itself took away from the majesty of it all, but one of these days I'm going to go back up there and just wander for a while..

So many more things I wanted to say but I can't remember any of it..

Oh yeah, there are lots of links I wanted to put here but here's two that I found on the ShackNews: Poland bans porn, while Canadians love porn.

<- proud to be a Canadian.

Oh yeah, some of you might find these stories funny.. (I like the concrete block one.. especially when they tried taking it off! *boom*)

I should get back to talking about today. I was planning on heading to school to do some marking and cleaning up the introduction. HNT came back home when I started to leave and he told me that they were going to watch a movie. Eh. Who cares. He then told me that they were goint to watch the new Jet Li movie..

Doh! Despite the fact that Romeo Must Die probably has no plot, I was in a mood for an action flick, so I started debating with myself whether or not to tag along. Well, I didn't have long to think becuase ALee drove up in his Steath. Dang. I picked up my stuff (including the notebook) and jumped into the car.

Passed through the Future Shop in the area and was tempted to grab myself a copy of Outcast seeing as I couldn't find a copy of Decent: Freespace 2.. I overcame that urge, as well as the urge to buy a ten pack of 100MB Zip disks for only a hundred bucks..

Ah well, the main feature of the afternoon was the movie anyway (which was the reason I was skipping out on marking those labs). Well, we got to the theatre, I took a peek at the movie board and noticed.. Hey, I don't see Romeo Must Die here.. Actually, I checked the list and the only movies that I was interested in seeing was American Beauty, and Cider House Rules (since both KGL and TY said they liked it - KGL didn't like Mission to Mars BTW. I won't be seeing it.). The general concensus was to watch Final Destination. Yippee.

As the movie started at four-thirty, we went to Sportsworld to waste time. I spent most of my time in the arcade since I noticed that they had Silent Scope 2 there. Further, they had two machines linked up! Watching a couple of guy playing around, I noticed that they were playing in duel mode. It looked pretty fun, although once you get good at the game, it gets pretty boring. Anyway, FlyingS and I hooked up for a couple of duels. For the amount of money we put into the machine, we got quite a bit of playing time out of it. There are five matches, and each match is a best of three duel. Each match has a time limit of ninety seconds, so in theory, one can play for four hundred and fifty seconds.. that's seven and a half minutes (not including the breaks in between)!

Oh, it was fun. Especially when you go for those head shots..

Next time, I'm gonna try the story mode..

So we headed back to the theatre and watched the movie. It was.. *drums fingers* not very good. It's your standard thriller type flick where people who die have (as FlyingS put it) exorbitant deaths. Not worth the eight bucks.. Ahh! I spent eight bucks on that? What a waste!

When I got back home, I saw an ad for Romeo Must Die. Seems like it will be opening this Wednesday.. Doh!

*looks at watch* Methinks the kids from Muskogee should be back by now, I wonder how their trip went?

All quiet on the homepage front. Jax does have a small update (that kid has a much more exciting life than I), but apart from that..

Well, I actually did get around to doing a bit of marking, but much less than what I planned to do (I planned to actually finish by tonight). Ah well, I guess I'll have to work on it this week. What I'm more worried about it my thesis.. Gosh darned it..

Been thinking of changing the front page so that it's generated by a script. That should make it easier for me to write my internal links (so I don't have to transfer them back and forth..). Will think about it.

Oh.. feeling a headache coming, so I should be going. I think it stopped raining outside. Let's see if I can make it in one piece.. So today was a waste, and I've got no food to show for it. Hopefully I'll be more productive tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:17 EDT

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