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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Oh my. What is the time? Why it's ten to nine! Has the sky fallen or something?

*looks outside*

Okay, maybe it did. Anyway, the sun got me up this morning. By not looking at the time I didn't have any incentive to stay in bed, so after I got up (and the sun promptly got covered up), I got ready and checked the time. Quarter after eight. Holy.. and I'm not even tired! I'm so impressed! Of course, with every ray of hope there's some sort of cloud that'll get in the way. Checking the weather, I found out that there was a winter storm warning. Oh hurrah. Well, we're basically just at the southern end of this winter storm warning, but even if we don't get the snow, we'll definitely get the rain. Oh hurrah.

Been playing around with the front page for those of you who haven't noticed. Well actually, I'm hoping that it isn't noticeable since it shouldn't be. I've been playing around with the idea of a new front page, but that won't be for a while yet. Want to learn some flash at some point in time, but for now, it's quite empty. Anyway.. enjoy the non-difference!

Oh yeah, it should also allow me to combine two of my scripts together as well. Cool.. this should make keeping track of them easier..

Well, there goes my ideas of handing my thesis on time. Needs to be given the thrice over, so it's going in on Monday. (*knocks on wood*) There goes my weekend.

Geez Louise. This new script pooched my NN session. Might have to do with the fact that it was one of the buggier versions but it's still annoying. Anyone else having problems with this new setup?

Wow, a pretty uneventful day. I got dragged out (guilted out) to go to the Grad House today. While I was there, I noticed a couple of guys playing chess and I wanted to check out how they were doing. I sat around wondering if I should scoot over to watch before finally getting up to take a peek. While I was checking out the board, I noticed a good move for black and wanted to say something, the guy sitting there told me that they were tired and wouldn't be playing well, so I figured that I wouldn't learn anything by watching them. Poor me.

Actually, agter I got back to my seat, a group of people from another part of the House got up and headed down stairs (for more drinks I guess). As one of the girls passed by me, I caught a glance of her face and thought I recognized her.. *blink*.

So I turned around, but I'm pretty bad with recognizing the back of people's heads. So I waited, and waited.. When they got back up, I checked again. Yes.. yes! It has to be her. I was still sort of still in the middle of listening in on the conversation on my end, but I wanted to check out if my first assumption was true. I looked around their group and noticed someone else who looked like.. could it be? Yeah.. but I'm also pretty bad with recognizing people by their profiles. Still, I checked a couple more times before I split my group to talk with JY. Lo and behold, my eyes did not deceive me. It was JY, and BH was there too! Man, she's still cute. Got caught up in all the going ons and stuff.. boy. Stuff that happens in only a few years (okay, so I bumped into her earlier, but hey..)

Hey, I just got one of Laz's random links with a description of KGL's page:

k's journal.. school gripes and daily crushes.

Daily crushes huh? Heheheheh. Speaking of which, there's a new entry up on Sugarcoated (albiet as cryptic as all the rest of them).

Tiffi's put up two new (and rather long) entries for your reading pleasure. Actually, the're both a little on the sad/depressed side, but they're still interesting to read. I would tend to side with Marcus (from B5) when it comes to "things that happen for a reason". He didn't believe things happened for a reason because then we deserved all the bad things that's ever happened to us. He preferred to look at life as if it was not up to the fates, that there is no reason behind this so called life. Mind you, I'd quote him, except that I'm to lazy to look for it.

Hey, got a couple of pictures you guys might like. I'll put them up here and here for a day or so. Check them out before I take them down!

Oh yeah, Jax also has an update up which is a little cooler than normal..

Need to do marking tomorrow, and need to respond to e-mail. Yahoo. Am I looking forward to that or what?

Okay, I think I've done enough with my new script for today. I have integrated the date and counter routines into the script and they both seem to be working fine. You guys can play around with it if you want, but the main difference is that the stuff that it spits out now is relevant for Lynx users. Yay! (Now I can see how many people have hit the page via Lynx.. I'm so happy..)

Time for me to go home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:46 EDT

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"Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable."

Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)