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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Well, I guess I didn't come back last night. Felt too tired after making food (and yes, gorging on it) to make it back to school. Didn't really matter though, I don't think I was in any condition to continue with the corrections to my draft (much less completing the two sections I have yet to write)..

I feel like I haven't said everything that happened last weekend, but I really can't remember what. It's all a blur now. A mishmash of animated images and inanimate photo ops. I do remember that on my way home for dinner last night, I came across this cat that was hiding behind one of the cars in our driveway. It looked shocked when it saw me walking up to the door so I stood there and kneeled down, motioning to come over. It seemed friendly as it sauntered over in my direction, and then next to me, and then past me, and then behind me, and beyond. Great. Dissed by a cat. My ego takes another beating. *hangs head*

The weather is pretty darned crappy today. Great for me! I don't need any more incentive to procrastinate (then why am I updating the page?). Oh yeah.. back to work.

Oh yes, the show. The show last weekend was pretty good actually. I was fairly impressed with the turnout and even more impressed by the quality of the shows we had this time. I liked Ruroni Kenshin but was impressed by the OVA. Ohhh!! (Using AgentP's patented wail.) BTW, the Ruroni Kenshin english dub is pretty bad. Really bad actually. Don't watch the dub, get a subtitled version if you can.

What the.. it's late already? Geez. Where has the day gone?

Man, I gotta remember to go and develop my film. The contest ends in a few days (and my thesis is due before then.. hurrah). Besides, I want to stick up those photos I took soon (at least while I still have access to a good scanner)..

Dang. I guess it's true. There's a computer worm out there that actually dials 911. I first heard about it on ArsTechnica and they even had a link, but I was a little cynical (being near April Fools and stuff) until I saw a link on ZDNet and another at the ShackNews as well. Anyway, my computer is not on a network so I'm not too afraid, but I'm gonna go check anyway..

Crap. I just realized that all my nights are shot. Well, at least tonight and tomorrow night. I won't be able to use them to complete writing my thesis, which would mean that I need to do most of my writing during the day, which implies that I have to be productive during the day..

How the heck am I going to pull that off?

Hey, someone who I don't recognize sent me that "you've been infected by AIDS" forward. Why the heck did I get this and who was this person who sent it to me? I don't seem to recognize the person nor anyone on the list. Gah!

Wait.. I DO recognize one of the people on this list although I still can't put a finger on.. Oh.. Ahh! Now I know who this person is.. *flips through records*

Ah yes, it all makes sense to me now. Whew!

Holy comments Batman! Seems like Laz has been barraged by fashion tips from people I know and a person I've never net before. Odd.. seeing a discussion on hwandotcom..

Okay.. does anyone know what 252 or barkada "three" are? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller? KGL seems to know..

Sparky's got some random thoughts on her page (much like mine but with a little more order!). Doesn't shed any light on her depression, but hey, it's not by business right?

Last, but not least, Jax has been enjoying the parts of life that she hadn't noticed before (early eggs and a lunch companion). What the.. Dang those msg and runs!! I'll get you! *shakes fist*

Ahem. Anyway, I'll get that kid back one of these days. For now I think it's getting late and it's time for me to go to sleep. *yawn* Went out for dinner after the CTRL-A meeting (last meeting of the term!), so I'm done for the night..

But before I go, here's a parting phrase from KGL's .plan

::: :: :The New Mantra: :: ::: 
   We're young,
     We're damn perfect,
       So get outta our way
         Before we make you :)



Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:04 EDT

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