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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Spring is here!

Woke up this morning and looked at my clock. Hmm.. it's only 7:56 so I should be alright. Double checking, I took a closer look: 9:56. *groan* Out of bed I go..

I ended up skipping out on breakfast this morning so that I'd actually make it to school sometime in the morning. On the way out the door, I noticed something attached to the door. It was one of those Puralator notices, the "we were here but you weren't" ones. Taking a peek at the name, I saw that it was for HNT so I wasn't annoyed. Checking the time, they apparently came by around 10:40. Hmm.. I checked my watch: 10:50. Doh! Since my watch is actually five minutes fast, the time actually was 10:45. Good grief! I didn't hear anything from my room. Ah well, that's what happens when you don't have a doorbell. *shrug*

After getting in, JSI found some matches on the floor in my office. Best Western? *thinks* I think I remember where these may have come from, but what were they doing here? I handed in the marked midterms and after coming back up to the office, I found out that I lost the old solutions (we were given new ones that corrected the problems with the originals). This is a bad thing. If those solutions ever get out into the public, then any of the questions used in these midterms are basically useless! After searching in vain for a number of minutes, on a hunch, I went back down and checked out the stack I handed in. Yup, I had handed them in by mistake. Whew! Crisis over.

I went to the PAC to pick up my performance deposits seeing as how good my teams have behaved. I went to pick up my money and the girl only gave me one of the deposits. Err, I told her that I actually had two (one for broomball and one for volleyball). So she took out the stack while I went around to signing my name in the book. There was some running around in the office so she was eventually replaced by this guy, who I had to tell again that I had two teams. At that point, he pointed in the book and said that I had defaulted on one of my volleyball games. What?!? But.. But I.. I DID go to all the games, and I DID sign us out every game.. Gosh darned it. I didn't default on any of my games!! Unfortunately, I can't go and complain since only three people on my team are actually legal, while the other seven..

Grr.. so I lost $23. Next term I'm going to ask for five bucks a piece..

KGL's got a new .plan up:

I have never been so tired in my life
I think I have mono.
Hmmm. Mono. Wouldn't that be fun?
Then again my friend has thought that I've had mono for the last 22 years.
Has something to do with me and sleep. And the fact that I hibernate like a bear.

Well, I'm not surprised that she's tired considering that four hours of sleep a day isn't usually considered a lot of rest!

On the note of updates, Laz has a couple of game reviews. One is Dead or Alive 2, while the other is on Berserk (I can't really spoil the game seeing as it takes place after the series..). Also, I think they changed the story a bit in the game, but I'll have to see for myself what sort of differences there are.. KGL also has an update as well, which basically says the same things that her .plan said. You know, that picture looks like a cross between Betty Boop and Astroboy.

Oh yeah, there's also an update on Tiffi's page! Two in fact! One retelling parts of their trip to Canada (the great white north) and a bit of thinking about her future.. Oh hey! It seems as if Sparky also has something up as well! *reads* I see. *nods* Well, I expect to see some sort of huge story thing coming from the both of them at some point in time so those of you who are eager to find out how their trip went, go down there and see what they have to say!

Oh, here we go. I've just received word from FlyingS (who seems to know everything) on what the picture KGL had on her page was.

She's one of the Powerpuff Girls, of course. Buttercup, if I might guess from the filename (I can never remember which is which).

Kewl. Here is a couple of links for those of you who want more information: Here's one from the cartoon network(make that two), and one from YTV.

On the same thread, I got this link. Will check it out.

Oops, time for me to go. Have to get groceries. Yahoo!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:08 EDT

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