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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Happy St. Patty's day!

Late again. Man, this is a bad habit. At least the weather's nice today, although it is awfully chilly. Ah, I shouldn't complain. At least it's not a heat wave or anything..

To start off, Phat sent over a link for a review on Berserk! I'm not particularly surprised, but I want to check it out anyway..

Hey! TRP is visiting right now. Haven't seen him in a while. When I walked into the room, he said:

"Wow! Nice rat tail! Hey [QYV], the 80s called.."

Grr.. I must admit though, it was different than the usual "You missed a spot..".

Some old news, but I guess I'll mention it here. We've got this type of sauce that can be used to marinate or add flavour to some meats and dishes which I've been using fairly frequently. It looks (and tastes a bit) like soy sauce so I figured it couldn't bad. Well, HNT recently got a new bottle of this stuff (I used a little too much methinks) and after I had doused it on my beef (last week) I decided to check out the ingredients:

Water, Hydrolized Peanut and Corn Protein, Salt, Monosodium Glutamate.

That's it. Mmm.. Salt and MSG.. what else do you need for flavouring? (Ugh.)

Last night we had a pretty amazing sunset. Normally the colours that you see from a sunset would usually only cover a moderately sized area near the point where the sun was setting, but last night the colours extended throughout the entire sky. There must've been some diffuse low lying clouds or something because it was just fantastic. The sun itself was a deep red hue which got me recalling this phrase:

Red sun in morning, sailor's warning.
Red sun at night, sailor's delight.

That's about right. Well, we had a good day today, so there must've been some merit to that saying.

While I was making dinner last night, I threw in the last of my rice into the measuring cup to see if I had enough food. One of the last grains that fell into the cup was a little discoloured so I fished into take it out. When I got my finger onto it, I felt the grain give and ooze a bit. Rice isn't supposed to do that! It's not supposed to have any ridges either.. eww!! I'm having no luck with food at all.

That incident reminded me of the reason why Honeywhite didn't like rice. "They look like maggots." was her excuse. I wonder how many I've unknowingly ingested.. *shiver*

Not much today, picked up the midterms that I have to mark. How annoying. My red pen is out of ink as well. Even more annoying. Ooh, just noticed that I had another red pen camouflaged with a blue cover.. heheheh.

CTRL-A meeting today. Had to do with the possible Mononoke Hime showing the Sunday after the show. Had dinner and a bit of discussion. Not too much to report, except that we'll be charging four bucks a head for admission.

I figured I might as well put this thing on from girl. I think it's quite interesting (footnote: Knecht means serf, servant):

"The Magister Musicae drew the young man aside and stood with him under one ofthe giant trees. An almost sly smile puckered the skin aroundhis eyes into little wrinkles as he replied: "Your name is Knecht, my friend, and perhaps for that reason the word 'free' is so alluring for you. But do not take it too seriously in this case. When thenon-Castalian speak of the free professions, the word may sound very serious and even inspiring. But when we use it, we intend it ironically. Freedom exists in thoseprofessions only to the extent that the student chooses the profession himself. That produces an appearance of freedom, although in most cases the choice is made less by the student than by his family, and many a father would sooner bite off his tongue than really allow his son free choice. But perhaps that is a slander; let us drop this objection. Let us say that the freedom exists, but it is limited to the one unique act of choosing the profession. Afterward all freedom is over. When he begins his studies at the university, the doctor, lawyer, or engineer is forced into an extremely rigid curriculum which ends with a series of examinations. If he passes them, he receives his license and can thereafter pursue his profession in seeming freedom. But in doing so he becomes the slave of base powers; he is dependent on success, on money, on his ambition, his hunger for fame, on whether or not people like him. He must submit to elections, must earn money, must take part in the ruthless competition of castes, families, political parties, newspapers. In return he hs the freedom to become successful and well-to-do, and to be hated by the unsuccessful, or vice versa ... Now do you see, my son, that when we speak of the free professions,the word 'free' is meant rather humorously.""

Hermann Hesse
The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi)

What do you guys think? Is it that to be truly free, you must be completely uncertain of your future? Does that mean that I'm completely free? Or just (a little) crazy?

Jax has changed that .plan of hers. It's now blank. Well, not exactly, but it's basically blank.

Now with the updates. Laz and KGL both have updates on their pages, so does Jax (with a mention of me no less, although I'm not sure I want people to find out what she's talking about..)

I'm so not in the mood to do anything right now. This may be a good time to go home then. I was trying to think of something profound to say, but I'm drawing a blank. Besides, I should go to bed early tonight since I want to get some skating in tomorrow! Oh yeah!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:20 EDT

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