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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

We have now arrived to the leap day that comes once every four hundred years.. Aren't you all excited? Ah, I didn't think so. I look at it this way: It's an extra day for me to slack.. err.. to finish writing my thesis.

Last night, while I was walking back home. I passed by the gas station and noticed that the price of gas was 72.4 cents per liter. Holy crap! I'm glad I don't drive. Actually, I started talking with Werdna about this and he told me that the price of gas was only 69.7 when he passed by three and a half hours earlier! Here's a table of the gas prices as I remembered them when I passed by the two gas stations near our house (one is GTO, the other is Shell):

Time GTO Shell
Yesterday Morning 68.6 68.8
Yesterday 5:00 PM 69.7 69.9
Yesterday 8:30 PM 72.4 72.6
This Morning 72.6 72.9

Ouch! That's a pretty huge jump there (and I though anything over 60 was pretty darned expensive already). The ironic thing was that yesterday when I was walking to school, I noticed the price was fluctuating around the 66-68 cent mark so I figured that there was some sort of equilibrium. Remind me not to get into stocks.. oops, never mind that.

A couple of links I got from KNZ related to the new camera I have. The EF-M is the one I have, while the T50 is the one he originally thought I had.

For those of you with shockwave, check out the link KGL sent me if you want to know what happened to Pamela Lee's implants. (It confirmed my suspicions.)

Uh oh. I don't think I'll have enough cash to jump onto the Palm IPO bandwagon. I heard from MJO that the inital asking price has doubled, and the demand is pretty red hot. I guess I'll be watching from the sidelines for this one..

KGL's got a new .plan up:

Is there really any point to sleeping now? It's past 5am....

Coincidentally enough, the kid sent me a link with this quote:

Environmental experts are investigating a fuel spill in North York that seeped into Black Creek, killing dozens of dead fish.

I thought the "kills bugs dead" was bad..

It's such a nice day out there, sunny and cool. The ground is still wet, but it won't be long before it gets dry enough to run around on. It's too bad I'm spending most of the day indoors. Can't go outside until I finish up most of my thesis. Things are progressing smoothly, but I wonder how I'll be able to juggle my marking and other stuff with writing.. *looks at stack of unmarked lab reports*

Oh man! Hey lookie here. While I was.. er.. fingering a number of people, I found out that ShadowWhyspr has updated her .plan (the first time in months):

To break the chains that bind
Freeing the power of the mind
To stumble upon the greatest wealth
Complete knowledge of the self
To live life as was meant for me
Setting my self completely free

Copyright 2000 C Dawson

Yes yes, it's a poem. At least it's better then her last .plan..

Sadie Hawkins. I had not heard that name before until I read about it on Jax's page. Jax mentioned that Sadie Hawkins Day is today. I came across a number of other pages like this one with the Andy Capp history and another one with the date which suggest otherwise. Of course, there's the oed definition I found as well:

Sadie Hawkins ('seIdI) ('hO:kInz). U.S. The name of a character in the cartoon strip Li'l Abner by `Al Capp' (Alfred Gerald Caplin, 1909-79), used attrib. to designate a day early in November on which, according to a `tradition' in the cartoon series, women can propose marriage to men, demand dates with them, etc., or to designate events taking place on that day.

Jax actually agreed that she originally thought it was some other time but saw a page which suggests that it is held on Leap Years Day. Hrumph. Anyone out there who can clear up this mess? Not like I'm worried or anything. Nobody's gonna ask me to get married (just covering all bases).

Actually, I also came across this on oed:

1942 Sun 27 Oct. 16 Your chances are four times as good of marrying up wid him on Sadie Hawkins Day as on Leap Year Day-Sadie Hawkins Day comes once every year.

Which suggests that there is something similar to the Sadie Hawkins Day thing on Leap Year Day as well. This is getting way too confusing.

Ooops! I made a couple of booboos that Laz noticed and corrected for me. *applauds Laz*

Got a hot stock tip from Growly, while Laz sent me some more Palm IPO information.

While I'm talking about Laz.. well, it's not about Laz, but I'll get to him in a sec. I went down to the chem lab to copy my files on my brand spakin' new (and expensive) Zip disk and I noticed.. well, you can already guess. Frosh chick was there. Yes, I promised myself this time that if she was still there when I left, then I would ask for her name (if it was the other way around, and I was a girl and she was a guy, I could try pulling off the Sadie Hawkins trick, but..). Anyway.. err.. well I did promise myself didn't I? Err.. okay, I'll just say this for Laz's sake:

It's not Julie!

Hahahahahaha! That gets me off the proverbial hook. Ahem. For those of you who don't know what I'm babbling about, don't worry. It's not too interesting. If you really want to know, ask Laz. Whew! *tugs at shirt collar* It's all over! Now with my luck, I'll never see her again..

Oh, I'm gonna go home early today. Before I do that, I can't forget to do the daily homepage update! Laz seems to have improved his comment script, while KGL has an improved outlook on life (and mooching off ma Bell to boot!). I already talked about Jax, but didn't mention her comments on the CS vandalism (poor CS sculpture).

Hmm.. that's about it. Well, there we go. I should get going home. I got quite a bit of e-mail today, with links and all. Yay. Gotta do laundry. Doh. Oh well, in the end, I gotta eat.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:09 EDT

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