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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

What the heck.. it's already three weeks into February and I still haven't finished my introduction yet. How disappointing. I guess I'm going to have to do a lot of writing this week (since it is reading week for most of the kids - the mathies and engineering folk get Thursday and Friday off).

Oh hey, I've also got some marking to do. Crapola. This week will be pretty busy after all, with writing, marking, and the show this weekend.. I would've liked to go skating sometime as well, but skating has been canceled this week, and next week! How will I be able to handle the widthdrawal?!? Tune in and find out!

Oops, time for the daily .plan updates. Jax has put up a little plug for that page o' hers, while KGL has a gripe:

bloody interviews...

Not bitter or anything.. nonono.. Hey, it seems like Jax has a new .plan up:

Looking for something to do...
Looking for something to eat...

Jax? Bored? Naw!

Man, my foot really itches.. *stamps foot* That's the problem with having someone else in this office with me. I can't take off my shoes on the off chance that I'll suffocate the poor guy. Mind you, I might be doing him a favour by doing that, considering the work he'll have to go through over the next year and half, but if I had to go through that..

Well, this is interesting, found out that SDS has a webpage! Check it out.

From HaremPresident comes: I Am The Captain of the Pinafore

It was a nice day today. Too bad I spent most of my time indoors. At least I've been working at massaging my old stuff into my thesis. It's taking a lot longer than I thought, but it's getting done (slowly). Went to the CTRL-A meeting and had lunch at the Vietnamese restaurant. Oh yeah, remind me to pick up the AV key on Friday, I know I'll forget.

Now for the daily page update: Laz is thinking about some HTML, while KGL recounts the weekend. Jax takes it easy for a while (and talking about The SIMS - odd how Laz just told me about it yesterday..), while Sparky promises a.. ooh! She just added something else there. I think the kid's gonna keep writing! Hurray!! Tiffi has back to back entries, one for us, and one not for us (although we can still read it!).

One thing I would like to talk about it Jax's little comments about my life. She's must be pretty curious as to who I'm talking about (I know KGL definitely is). I'm gonna give a little hint. You know that girl in the dream? Jax has.. seen her before, and that's all I'll say about that matter.

In regards to Sparky's male chauvinistic schoolmate, I give him two big "kicks in the butt". Sexism and racism is still alive and well in this world it seems. Then again, it may be plain apathetic ignorance..

After reading Tiffi's letter to Joseph, I was thinking to myself (yeah, yeah, enough with those thinking jokes).. uh.. what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the way she describes Joseph makes it seem like she's describing me! I'm going down the list saying.. "Yup, that's me!", "Yup.", "Bang on!", "Right again!" Uhh.. this is not a good thing is it? (Except for the Hispanic part, that was different.)

A pretty good day for updates I must say. Quite a bit there for you folks to read and enjoy! (I sure did!)

I was perusing ArsTechnica and came across this great jem on the origin of the name of Gentus distro:

Gentus is the lesser-known little brother of Romulus and Remus, the supposed founders of the Roman Empire. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were raised in the wild by a pack of wolves, making them tough and really cool. Gentus, on the other hand, was raised by army ants. As a result, he developed the ability to carry loads that were eight times his body weight on his back. This, sadly, is not nearly as cool as having been raised by a pack of wolves. Hence the fact that few have ever heard of him...except for me, because I study these things.

Some other news too, but I'm too lazy to post them.

Been working on the pictures. Laz is right, the quality of the new pictures are pretty crappy. I'll see if I can fix it up, if not.. well, then it's SNAFU. It's all SNAFU.

Enough for me now, I'm gonna head home.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:15 EDT

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