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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Oi. Went to sleep too late last night. Missed out on skating again today, which meant that I struck out for the week. I better go during lunch sometime..

KGL's got a new .plan up:

I'd shine up my old brown shoes
I'd put on a brand new shirt
I'd get home early from work
If you'd say that you love me

Anyone had an any idea what song that's from? Also, it seems as if KGL's making it a daily habit of updating that homepage. Go and check it out! (REARston.. hahaha!)

Oh, KGL's offered some insight to the lyrics above:

its a cheap trick song redone by lettters to cleo on the "ten things ihate about you" soundtrack

Cheap trick huh? Man, I haven't heard from them in.. decades. Scary.

Tiffi's got a new entry. Quite an interesting day I must say, nothing like that ever happens up here..

We've got some great weather right now. Warm, and sunny.. (warm being around freezing of course). Considering how much snow we've been getting in the past week, this is a nice change.

Found a problem with the search script.. I'll look into it.

Got a link from Magnifica just now. Although the pop up windows are annoying, it's quite an interesting read..

Okay, so there is a serious problem with the search word highlighting script. I've removed it so that it won't screw up anybody using the search engine. For now, you'll have to use whatever find option us available on the browser instead.

Ho ho! While surfing around for news (while I should actually be doing my marking..) I noticed that MJO has just updated his homepage! Yes, the Ramparts are up to date and ready to please..

Take that in any context you want, but don't quote me.

Oh yeah, MJO mentions the slow but eventual push towards XML (from our limited HTML 4.0), so I might as well mention how FlyingS's been playing around with XML for the CTRL-A homepage. Unfortunately, I don't have the link anymore, so I'll just wait until he finishes with his little project..

Personally, I think it's a good idea, although this means that I have to learn a new markup language.. cripes, I still don't understand perl that well either.

I've been having some problems with Winblows 98 recently. My registry has come up corrupted twice now and my computer has crashed while shutting down. I'm getting so worried I might grab myself a Zip drive and back up some of my documents in the near future before anything truly bad happens (unless it's happened already and I won't find out that I've lost everything until next month..).

Man, I'm really killing these kids. Serves them right for writing illegibly. Mind you, I'm being a little hypocritical, but for the past two years, I gave up writing up my assignments (nobody could read them). Oh yes, I still did them, I used LaTeX! (I think everybody should type up their assignments.)

Well, I've finished marking, and needless to say, this should wake them up a bit. If it doesn't.. I wouldn't want to keep marking their assignments then. (Then again, giving out zeros is pretty easy..)

Oh, here's an update on Jax's .plan:

For the last time, AAARRRGGHHH!

Hmm.. getting a little frustrated?

Got a card from Jean-Guy. Kewl huh?

Aww man, I'm getting a stuffy nose and sneezing.. this is not a good sign. I should get going soon.

Oi, KGL's gone and updated that page while I wasn't looking.. It has a new layout (and picture) as well!

Alright, it's starting to get late.. I'll mark the labs tomorrow. Need to satisfy that bottomless pit..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:44:51 EDT

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