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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Seems like I'm back in the `loo. Weekends are much too short. I never got around to calling up Squishy. On top of that, I couldn't get a hold of MPS for skating, and I forgot to get the camera fixed.

Funny how I thought that I didn't have anything to do when I got home.

An update of sorts related to MJO. I actually was given permission to quote anything in the e-mail that was sent to me:

Feel free to quote that last bit. ;-)
(Or the first bit, for that matter.)

The first bit being:

D00d!!! h0W cAN j00 n0| Kn0W '1337 Sp33|< wIt y3R '1337 \/\/Ar3Z?!?!?

Which I think can be translated to be:

Dude!!! How can you not know elite speak with your elite wares?!?!?

While the last bit was:

What's up with you, and the mother of your apparently soon to be borne children?

Well, I can answer half of that, but the other half depends on me remembering what's going on in my life.

I wonder why I had so much trouble editing this page from any remote location. I had cable modem access while at Laz's place so there shouldn't have been a problem there.. Well, it's possible that I wanted to play Soul Caliber on Laz's new Dreamcast, but I don't think that was the reason.

Anyway, I went through yesterday's entry and fixed up some typos and stuff. Man I can be such a poor author. There were a number of things that I forgot.

First of all, I forgot to mention that Laz and I went to the "good" arcade in the heart of Scarborough to check out some of the new games. Nothing really new to note, except that they did have Dead or Alive 2 for only a quarter. That's a steal! Mind you, I hadn't actually seen the game up to that point, so I figured that I wouldn't dunk my life savings into a machine so that I could be dazzled by the graphics and gameplay. I just let other people pay. I mean play.

Anyway, the effects in DoA2 are very well done. The graphics are at least on par with Soul Caliber if not better. Hair flowed naturally, as did clothes. There are a couple of points I would like to mention though. First of all, the two DoA2 machines down there were both probably imported from Japan since there were no english dialog or subtitles for character speech. That's not a gameplay problem, since most of the commands were in english. What surprised me was the amount of fan service that they threw into the game. Each female character had at least one costume with a skirt, and no matter what colour costume they were wearing, white was the dominant colour underneath. This wasn't subtle fan service either, although it seemed realistic.

I'm wondering if this is going to be changed in the American version or not. Although some people might consider the fan service an advantage.. "Hey, wasn't that.." *thud* *bang* *crunch* "You win!". Eh, I dunno.

I might change the storage format of the Journal at some point in time. The daily entries are getting awfully long, and a with cgi-scripts I could conceivably set up a data base type of archive.. Hmm..

Anyway, not too much today. I did go skating at the pond near our house. I was rather surprised how good the ice was there. It wasn't as lumpy or deformed as I thought it would be. There were a couple of air pockets that I nearly lost a leg in, but nothing to major (they grow back right?). The pond is quite large, and there aren't usually that many people there, so it's a perfect place to practice some of my techniques, so I might go there more often.

On the way back here, we came up behind a pickup truck with the attached bumper sticker (in small font).

Sorry, it's my fault.
I forgot that you're an idiot.

I was thinking of "If you can read this, you're tailgating."

Once I got back, I went to restocking my cupboards with food from home. Ahh, now I am well stocked again! No need to worry about food for the next little while.

Hmm.. I went into the other room to use the PC and noticed that the keyboard was missing! Bizarre. I fished around for another keyboard (stole weirDo's in fact) but the layout is different so that some of the keys don't work properly (like return and enter). I haven't had a problem yet, but I would like to know who took the keyboard..

I was complaining to Laz yesterday how he hadn't been updating his page, and he told me to check the front page. Ah ha! It seems as if he's been a bit more busier than I had anticipated. (Catch up to him huh?.) He's been working hard at the scripts so that the entries are a little devoid of inflammatory commentary, but if you understand perl, you might want to give him some pointers.

Yeah, I think I will go ahead and change the Journal stuff. I have an idea of how to do it, so it shouldn't take me long. The only problem being time. I think I can spare a night to hack this out, but then I'll have to reformat my files and that would be tedious.. Eh, you guys don't really care either way do you?

I should get going soon. I need to satiate my stomach, and go to bed at a respectable time (I've been getting to bed late this weekend). I'll have to do the e-mail thing tomorrow. (I bet the two OK girls are wondering why I haven't sent them anything..)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:47:25 EDT

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