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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

I was watching "Who wants to be a Millionare?" last night and watched as this guy won a million on an astronomy question. I could've answered that! (However, I wouldn't have been able to answer the previous few but hey..) I thought that was pretty cool!

Crap. Something's wrong with our version of Perl. It doesn't seem to like passing the REMOTE_HOST environment variable anymore. So for those of you who may have noticed, the counter hasn't budged a bit. I switched back to Sciborg, but this is quite annoying..

I've been meaning to stick up these sites, but I kept forgetting about them. Anyway, I found these from the Toronto Star (Vanity Page, F2, Sunday, November 14, 1999). The first one is Tiffany's personal site and the second one is Sarah's site. I peeked in for a look, and it seemed kind of interesting. How to these people find the time?!?

Two things: Crusoe has finally been announced. Go just about anywhere and you'll find something. The other tidbit is about incompetent people not knowing that they're incompetent. *blink* Does this mean that I suck at everything? Got these from ArsTechnica and the ShackNews.

Hey! I can't seem to find theMediaman on Sciborg anymore.

I got in at quarter after nine this morning, the earliest I've been to school in the past few months. This is quite a record. I guess there are two factors that would attribute to this turn of events. First of all, I've been going to sleep earlier, before midnight now, and as I wake up earlier, I tend to go to sleep earlier as well. Now this cyclic effect my have been kick-started by the fact that I haven't played any computer games for the past few days. Which came after I finished Homeworld. My my, now you understand the crux of the situation huh?

Anyway, it was good that I got in early. Gave me proper incentive to go skating with Jax today. I will not comment about her skating ability since she does tend to pass by this site every now and then, but we did bump into one of her friends. Went out to Jia Jia for lunch before getting dropped back off at school. It was good exercise, and although more people showed up near the end of the skating period, I got a fair bit of practice with those reverse three-turns and Salchow (I still can't do it).

Now Jax is gonna drag me out to do the Dance Revolution. Oi vey.

Found out our broomball schedules. Both Riston and I have seven games each. That's the good news. The bad news is that three of them are against each other! That yaks. I can't do much about it unfortunately. Ah well, as long as enough people show up, it should be alright.


[4:00 PM EST - Oi, am I rusty..]

Just got back from the broomball game (and skating lesson). Found out that, yes, I still can't spin, and yes, I still can't score. On the net ya dolts! My other scoring ability will be discussed at another time (How about never? Is never good for you?).

We won our game, although I didn't get any goals or assists in our 4-0 tromp. We had so many shots and chances on net it wasn't funny. I felt kinda bad since half of the other team were female, not saying that girls are bad at broomball but.. well, I've only seen a couple of good ones, so you can see the general trend. Anyway, I hope they had fun.

Something to note, soon after (like hours) I put up that link to My Life in the Tower and snooped around a bit, I was informed that someone filled out the Guestbook! Mind you, I was actually in a rush to go skating, but it startled me that I got someone actually filling out the thing..

But I digress, the (alleged) writer was Sparky! Wow, that kinda stunned me, like.. why would she check my page? (Why would anyone check my page seeing as it's just some yutz babbling about the iniquities of life.) Anyhoo, it was nice that she signed it (seeing as nobody else seems to) although:

  1. I doubt if I'm the only person she doesn't know who's read her site, and
  2. If she asked to bear my children, I would've said "Oh yeah baby! Bring it on!!"


Alright, alright, I was joking. I only meant the second point.

Anyway, it's nice to know that I'm not the only sorry schmuck who does this sort of stuff (although being unique has it's advantages).

I might stick their homepages onto the list. Decisions, decisions..

Well, I'm getting hungry, and I need milk. Mmm.. milk.. Gonna go and drown my aching muscles with some good old white stuff! (Milk that is.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:23 EDT

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