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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Drove our relatives back to the bus stop, and now it's getting dark. The weather was pretty dreary today, I still don't know what's happening with MJO.

Oh well, what else did I expect? I don't think anyone will be in now seeing as the break is over, but I'm going to stick around in TO since MJO should be in town sometime tomorrow. What the heck we can do is anyone's guess.

I dunno.


[4:00 PM EST - Is this Ben?]

Well, fixed up the computers in the house and made sure that the dates were correct. With a little prodding (especially when Hugo formatted the hard disk), I installed Win98 onto the pentium (which used to be my old machine). Finally got the OS installed. Nothing else installed onto it except for the bare neccesities. I backed up all the drivers onto Zip disks. Unfortunately, the Zip disk drivers are nowhere to be seen. How convienient..

I should have that fixed by tomorrow. I'm quite happy to have PPP working on the computer now. I can check out my page again! Wow whee!

I guess that's it. The plan is to go skating tomorrow and hitch up with MJO. As far as plans go, this is about as detailed as they get, so things should be alright.

You know, whenever I get bored and start thinking, I get depressed. What about you guys? Never get bored? I find that once I get busy working on something, I get all happy and cheerful again. Like when I started trying to install Win98. Once I started concentrating on the task at hand, nothing else mattered. Boy, I can see someone cheering me up after a bad breakup by giving me a 286 and telling me to install Slackware.

Hrumph. That's probably why I don't think about getting a gf. I've got a computer at school, and a computer at home, so I'm busy all the time. At least I can make myself busy. Here at home, there's nothing to do. Just sit and think about all those girls I should've had.. boy that's a long list. Man that's depressing.

I dunno, I think life is funny that way. You see, if I do get a gf, I sure hope she's as busy as I am because if she's not, I'll have to devote all my time.. gah, and that's more than I would've bargained for. Anyone know any cute girls who're too busy to have a bf? Didn't think so.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Maybe I should bore myself once I finish my thesis and see what happens. We'll see how sane I stay..

Hmm.. that's probably why we don't see too many inter-school relationships. I mean, like a high school-university relationship. The amount of free time between those types of lifestyles are completely different. Or even between two different grades, years, or programs. Unless of course the two people involved are both busy for the same amount of time despite the different backgrounds.

But let's take an example, what if I went out with some girl while I was doing my thesis? Let's just say she just got out for the summer vacation. Man that would suck bad for her. It just won't work out right? *thinks* I'm probably the last person to see relationships in this light, but heck, I've always considered myself "busy" so never looked at things this way.

Time is such a valuable commodity. I guess we should all use it wisely, and on that note, I think I'm gonna use my time to get some sleep!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:23 EDT

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