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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

KGL's been busy with the homepage.. I think they'll be quite a number of updates in the near future..

Came across the BASE tag and I've wondered what the heck it was used for. Now I know, and I also found out more about the LINK and META tags as well. The BASE tag comes in very handy when moving files around and using relative links, so I'm gonna be doing a bit of work on these files, eventually removing all absolute references to Theochem on the off chance that I won't be getting any cgi scripting up anytime soon.

There we go! I'm basically done with the link changes.. but i still have the base links to modify.. Hmm.

Oh yeah, I went back home with the assumption that we'd get a call from Growly or Laz about the birthday party last night, but none came. Well, I should reiterate. No call came when I expected the call to come. In other words, I had sorta expected that the party would start around seven or eightish, so I held off eating anything just in case there was food at the party. By the time eight rolled around, I was STARVING! I had no choice but to make dinner, so I threw something together and called it a meal. (Fried chicken, with a cream of mushroom parmesan sauce with egg noddles.)

I was a little dismayed that my remaining mushrooms were being cannibalized by some fungus and had to dump the whole package. Ah well, it's been sitting in the fridge for more than two weeks so what did I expect? Something else that surprised me was when I poured out my egg noddles into the pot. Two little rice sized objects dropped into the water. I was a little confused as to what they were since they looked very much like rice. (I didn't remember playing around with rice when making egg noddles.) I picked them out of the water and took a closer look. Werdna suggested that I squish them, since we both had a good idea what they were. I refused, choosing to keep my chopsticks clean, so he took the blunt end of a knife and tapped it.


Rice doesn't usually squish and release a yellowish paste, so I concluded that, yes, I did leave my rice noodles out way too long (around two months I would guess). That didn't make me feel so good, but my stomach won out, and I consumed all of my noodles. Mmm.. protein..

Watched the game (Leafs won 2-1. Yay!) and in the middle of watching "Ghostbusters" and "Die Hard 2: Die Harder" (when I just started eating), we got the call. Oh great. It took me an hour to eat and half an hour to digest enough of my food so that I wouldn't puke on my way to the house. We got there pretty late.. sometime like eleven-thirty, I peeked into the house and tried making dying giraffe sounds, but they didn't notice. Bastards!

I recognized a number of people there, but most of the visitors left just after we got there (it was getting late..). They offered us cake, which I had to decline. My stomach having been stretched to the limit just an hour ago. How annoying, they had a chocolate cake which apparently was very good.. Mmm.. chocolate..

I gave the Matrix DVD to Laz, and he was so surprised that I gave it to him for Christmas. I wanted to give it to him now so that I could usurp anyone else who had plans on getting him that movie. He was wondering why I didn't keep it. Seeing as I don't have a DVD player..

Oh yeah, he said:

"But I've seen this seven times!"

and I responded

"Now you can see it seventy times!"

I only mention this because this conversation was a repeat of a conversation between Laz and Growly just a couple of minutes before I walked into the room. Hey, I guess great minds think alike right Growly?

Anyhoo, not long after we got there, those crazy people wanted to hook me up with Stacy's roommate. I don't know why, I told them that I wasn't interested and that they should consider Werdna.. (he's an eligible bachelor right?) At which point someone mentioned that they were doing for her sake. Oh good, thanks. More incentive to turn down the offer. I dunno, I've never liked having people trying to hook me up or do other crap like that. Come on people! I'm not desperate! (At least not at the moment.)

Besides, I'd just scare her off after a couple of days.. "You watch ani-what?"

Oh yeah, after I declined and pointed towards Werdna, I left the room for a drink. After I came back, I asked if Werdna would be the one, but Growly (I think) said that he was only interested in Brazilians. We made fun of Werdna for the rest of the night with the Brazilians thing, but they stopped asking me about the setup.

We never did play charades last night, but we did get to play Scruples. Found out that some of us had none at all! Ah well, the party was good, and it didn't go too late, so I'm happy.

Despite going to bed around three, I actually woke up early! I couldn't believe it. I stayed in bed so I would get up late. I still made it to school at a respectable time (but anytime on a Sunday is pretty respectable). Made it for the last hour of skating as well, so I'm pretty happy. That's about it. Laz should still be in town helping Growly move, but I don't know if anything is going on. Haven't heard a peep. Mind you, I'm still at school so they probably don't know how to catch me..

I guess on that note I should get going. I'll have to find something to eat, that Coffee Crisp got digested really quickly.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:00 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)