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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

It's pretty warm tonight. Well, seeing as I was basically playing games for the past 24 hours, I think this entry will be very game oriented.

Let's start with Revenant. I'm done! Yay! I figure it took me around 24 hours of game time to complete, which included all of that time waiting for the games to save and reload (it was so slow.. didn't help that I died a lot). It was a pretty good game, basically Diablo but with more control over just about everything. I especially like how you can combine moves to make combo attacks, and how you can dodge and counterattack so easilly. In a sense, it's like combining Diablo with Crusader. Anyway, the story was quite interesting, although some of the maps were quite annoying, especially the final "mazes". I got sick after the third one.

One little.. thing that I found out while playing was a way to drastically improve your magic skill without going thourgh a lot of mana. Once you find the invisibility spell (level 15, Sky Stars I think), you can't seem to cast the spell on yourself if you're already invisible. That makes sense, except that you still cast the spell, while retaining your mana. I found that kind of odd, but it has two effects. First of all, your total mana count does not change. Secondly, since you successfully cast the spell, your magical experience goes up! Invisibility isn't a very easy spell so you get quite a bit of experience. I was able to go from level 12 to level 25 by using that trick only going through about a thousand points of mana, effectively casting the spell ten times but actually casting the spell one hundred times. Spellcasting after that was very easy.

All in all, I think it was a good game. Those of you who liked Diablo, will probably like Revenant, so go out and get yourself a copy!

I was joking with weirDo yesterday that I would finish Revenant by the end of last night. I wasn't far off.. finished it this afternoon. Man do I need a life.

I finally got my Homeworld CD from HNT. Installed the game soon after completing Revenant. Man that's a fun game. I've reached the point that Laz finished off when he was demoing the game for me. In his actual game, he was able to capture a couple of enemy carriers. I've bumped into two carriers already but I wasn't able to capture them no matter how many salvage frigates I threw at them (I thought ten was excessive, but it still didn't work). I think I can only capture ships that I can produce myself. For example, I cannot produce carriers, therefore, I cannot capture them. On the other hand, I was able to capture all of the assault frigates in the third mission (thus saving all of my colonists) since I was able to produce them on my own. Is this a logical assumption?

Oh well, even though I couldn't get that carrier, I still got all (eight) of their ion frigates. They should come in handy in the next mission. To think that I'm one quarter of the way through the game already.. I wonder if I can finish Homeworld by tomorrow? Unlikely.

What's next on the list? I might try finishing Rainbow Six, or I might stick on Dungeon Keeper 2. I'll figure it out when I get there.

Now here's a question for the rest of you folks. Anyone know where Werdna went? He hasn't been home since winter break started, and nobody in the house knows where he ran off to (and I thought I was the only one who disappeared like that.. oh, then there's the time Zippy went walking and didn't come back for a couple of days.. there's also K-boy who went north for a week without telling anyone..). Anyway, if you have any information, call the missing housemates hotline.. I don't know the number off hand, but you can try any random number.

Oh, here are the requisite links that I found here and there:

While this one I got forwarded from Jean-Guy:

In case you guys haven't seen this, you should check this out. It's some site that has women all over the Western world going crazy for this one guy.

Make sure you check out the stories section. If you look at the press releases section, you'll see that this is for real. Then check out this rip-off site:

Now please try to control yourselves.

The message was modified to incorporate the links into the text.

Whoa, I didn't notice this, but weirDo sent me the heads up on the lack of access to Theochem. Here's part of the message that you'll get if you tried telneting (or rshing) in:


I guess I won't be logging off for a little while then..

Jax has a new .plan up, while KGL has a small update on her homepage. Nothing too interesting, but heck, doesn't seem like anyone else is putting anything new up..

Well, should get going home.. there's rec skating tomorrow and I don't want to sleep through it (seeing as I only went skating twice during the holidays). Off to bed..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:09 EDT

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