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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Hmm.. I never did get around to finishing yesterday's entry. I went straight home after dinner (at the standard Vietnamese restaurant) so that I could finish Homeworld. More on that later.

Yesterday had pretty funky weather. I was pretty lucky that I missed out on the rain, but I heard the thunder while in the office, and weirDo confirmed that we were having a thunderstorm (since he got soaked walking from Physics to Chemistry). How bizarre. This is going to be a warm winter huh?

Oh yeah, I forgot to use my East Side's gift certificate when we took Dusty out for lunch on Friday. Gah.

I went to sign up for the Campus Rec teams half an hour early, and I saw how large the lineup was. Boy, I'm glad I didn't arrive fifteen minutes early like last term or I would've been way outside..

So I signed up two broomball teams and one volleyball team. One of the broomball teams is Riston's team since he couldn't show up that day. I was lucky that I mailed out a confirmation to everyone since Jim forgot about the signup and he was in charge of setting up our competitive team in lieu of Riston. Hopefully he made it in time.

I showed up late to the CTRL-A meeting, but it was still all for naught. Someone else had been nominated for Treasurer and despite my repeated attempts to get out of the position, they made me co-Treasurer. Oh well, as long as I don't have to do any of the work.. (heh heh).

Bumped into Jax in the meeting. Talked for a while, and HNT suggested that I take swing dancing lessons with her. Whatever! I don't swing, and I can't dance.

CK insinuated that I made money off of volleyball last time by charging five bucks per person for the team. I told her that I only charged three, but she insited that she paid five. I checked when I got home, and sure enough, she paid three. I'll have to tell her.

Well, I went straight home after dinner to play Homeworld since I wanted to finish the game and hand it over to AgentP this Friday during the show. So I fired up the game, finished the mission (lost a heavy cruiser but captured another one) and saved the game. Then I was staring at the desktop. What the.. alright, I tried again, I fired up the game, played for a while, and tried to save. The game booted me out again.

This can't be good.

I started testing out other possibilities. I powered down the computer and tried again. No dice. I tried issuing different commands. Nope. I tried saving at intervals. Nada. I was getting desperate, so I scanned my hard drive. Took about half an hour, and when I checked the results, there were no errors. Doh! I continued trying out other possibilities, saving under a new filename, loading from the bad save games, nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Ahh!

It was past midnight by the time I decided to run from an even earlier saved game (at the beginning of the mission) and then I tried saving. It worked! Whoa.. I did more stuff and saved. It worked again! Hey! I finished the mission and saved one more time.. it worked!! Whoo hoo! I finally got past that mission (which was an easy mission) after three hours. Three hours!!

What a waste. I tried to finish the game after that, there was an extremely long mission thrown in there, and it gave me time to clean out my photo album, but by the time I looked at the clock again, it was past four.


I gotta stop DOING that!

I got to bed, and got up a little before half past nine. I figured that I could use a couple more minutes of sleep, so I rolled over and the next time I checked the clock, it was a few minutes past eleven.

It was only then that I remembered that the registration time for instructional courses was from eight-thirty to eleven. Doh.

I still have a chance tho..

Talked with Jax, told me that swing dancing was next Monday. Well, I guess I'm doing it huh?

As I was crossing the street on my way to school, I miss timed my window and had to wander down the street while I let a couple of cars pass by. In the first one, some girl (who was driving) had her window partially rolled down and shouted out something. I couldn't make it out, but it went something like:

"Get to work already!"

Then again, it also sounded like:

"Catch the taste!"

Although I doubt the latter. I can't figure out why people ever shout messages from their cars while they're barreling down the street at some ungodly speed. There was that that time last month, another time when I was biking north of Toronto, and numerous other ocassions when I was just walking. I dunno, maybe it makes them feel good? Maybe all powerful? Whatever.

KGL told me about an update on Sugarcoated so I checked it out and found this great poem:

"Falling in love is just that - falling.
Sometimes you merely trip and stub your toe.
Sometimes you fall to your hands and knees.
But sometimes you smack your head against the pavement and die."

Wow, so optimistic huh?

Well, I think it's time for me to go. I got a fit that's going to take some time to finish computing, so I should go home and make some sort of sustanance. Guh, I really should go shopping soon..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:27 EDT

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