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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

KGL's got a new .plan up.

I try to say goodbye and I choke
Try to walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it, its clear,
My world crumbles when you are not near.

- macy gray

Is it me or is it a little depressing?

I've been cleaning up my scripts and making a couple of them a bit more idiot proof. Of course, you can never make anything completely idiot proof since idiots are so ingenious. Anyway, the calendar and journal scripts are working much better now. I'll have to check security issues at some point in time but for now it seems fine.

Hey! For those of you who haven't heard yet, there's a total lunar eclipse tonight, but I'm in a rush to get to volleyball so I'll send the details later. It starts around quarter after nine EST, and will peak around quarter to midnight EST.


[4:00 PM EST - We suck.]

I'm back from our pitiful hour on the court. Either we got really bad during our six month hiatus, or we just suck. Anyway, it was still good exercise since we couldn't pass to each other, we had to chase the ball all the time. Nearly busted my pinkie tho, and Jax pulled a thumb muscle.. during practice! How unfortunate.

What the heck? Seems like we lost all connections to the external world. Ah well, it'll give me some time to finish this.

It's already ten, but it's hard to tell if there's anything wrong with the moon ATM. Back to what I was talking about before, we're supposed to have a total lunar eclipse tonight. I've actually seen a total lunar eclipse before, it was around ten years ago, and it was during out family trip to Washington D.C. I remember sitting at the outdoor patio of the restaurant we were eating at. Had king crab legs I think, although I never liked the fact that you had to really work to get the little meat that was in them.

It was actually quite an interesting experience, I remember watching some guy setting up a camera and tripod to record the event, but I watched in amazement as the moon slowly disappeared from view, only to see that it was still there once it became completely dark. Quite a view. I have yet to see a total solar eclipse, but this was still quite dramatic, and a lot safer for your eyes!

The weather up here is perfect for stargazing, the temperature should drop into the twentys. That's twenty below folks (Celsius), and not a cloud in the sky. I told Wernda to grab his camera and take a few picutres of the event, seeing as his camera is much better than mine, and my camera broke a few days ago.

He suddenly remembered that he stuck his film in the freezer, so I'm not sure if we can catch the whole thing. I was thinking of going by the observatory, but FlyingS told me that the moon was too large, it's better if you were using binoculars (which I don't have of course).

Because of the heavy exercise last night (was I ever sore), I actually got up a bit later than I have in the past couple of days, breaking my streak towards making it to school at nine. I got in at ten.

On the bright side, I was greeted by another (another!) entry into the Guestbook. This time, it was from Tiffi! Now there's two of them! Well, it's actually nice to see that people I don't know are reading up on me, seeing as they would have no possibility of finding out who the heck I talk about on these tirades. Then again, they found me..

Actually, most of the people I talk about (except for Laz and Growly - who haven't updated their homepages recently I might add) are protected by the fact that I am so loquacious, since it tends to bore the casual readerby and even puts some of the more determined surfers to sleep. Maybe I should talk more, more about nothing. Yeah, that's it.

I've been reading a bit from Tiffi and Sparky's most recent commentary. This is not a plug of course, but near the end of Sparky's entry, she started talking about her nipples..


Well, enough about that, you can go and check it out for yourself.

I went to the TRACE workshop and was late (again) for my lab. This was also another check-in so my tardiness wasn't noticed, but how the heck do you expect your students to show up on time if you don't? Actually, now that I think about it, if they don't show up at all, my life would be a lot easier..

Oh yeah, remember that bet I made? Well, I felt kind of bad for winning since, well, the victim really had no chance (although my office number is posted with the rest of my finger information) so I offered to - *gasp* - turn down the free dinner.

Yes I know, I'm not worthy of being a starving student. *hangs head*

In exchange, I was offered a free lunch, which I hope to turn into my meal of the day.. *mischievous grin*

Mind you, she might be reading this so I'll stop now.

Now here's a question for all you thinking folk. Why is it that when you think you meet someone really interesting, and have these great conversations, that one day, you start talking with them, and realize that you have nothing to say? What's up with that? After that, you have that bad conversation hanging over your head like the sword of Damocles that you can't bring yourself to talk to that person again? Either that or you try to talk with that person and come up with bupkus? Gah!

Enough with that, there's a moon to stare at, and a bed to sleep in. That and the fact that I have to pack for my trip home tomorrow..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:10 EDT

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"I'm worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It's not holding a charge."

Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)