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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Well, seems like KGL's been up to more than just homepage updates. There's a new .plan up as well:

Don't want to tango with you
I'd rather with him

Again, I have no idea where this came from.

Laz has been busy updating his page for the past few days. Seems like he's making quite a habit of it now. I'm inclined to agree with Laz that there's currently no need for a search engine on his page (nor mine for that matter, I just like to see if I can do it), but it's something that one can play around with for practice right?

I got a couple of links from HaremPresident:

  1. Crossover Ad.
  2. Since we just saw it, Kenshin vs Aoshi, the uncensored version.

Uhh.. I don't know where he got these from, but I just checked them out and they're both bad. Don't bother going to either one (even if you have seen Ruroni Kenshin episode fifty whatever).

So I went to sleep awfully late last night. When I rolled over and checked my clock, it read:


Oh yippee.

I got in pretty late. Just in time for lunch actually. This bode well since I skipped breakfast so that I'd make it in before noon. I wanted to convince everyone to go to Pizza Hut for the buffet lunch, since I had a two for one coupon handy (Werdna showed me a booklet of coupons we got).

weirDo asked me why I was so intent on going to Pizza Hut apart from the obvious fact that we would have to drive there and it would be the most convenient time to stock up the pop fridge (since we would have more hands helping than just the two of us). So I reached in my pocket to get show my coupon..

But it was gone.

Crap! I looked around the lab for that slip of paper. Nothing. I looked outside for my free lunch. Zip. I cried. Well that didn't help either. I couldn't find it. I had put the coupon and folded it with a note to remind me to go and clear up some AV problems. Both had conveniently disappeared.

Sigh. At least it wasn't like I misplaced a hundred dollar bill or something (or a cheque - ooh, wouldn't want to lose those). But it was still a little disheartening. We still went out for lunch, and I still pigged out. The food was okay, but I'm feeling the effects of cheese overload right now. I think I need to drink more milk.

We got some pop and I went to see what the problem with AV was. Seems like they thought I still had the key even though I returned it ages ago. Seems as if the lady at the desk didn't sign the key in when I returned it. Bah. At least that's cleared up.

At that point, I had enough time to grab my stuff and head down to the lab to TA. Nothing too unusual conspired while I was there, although the same girl who showed up last week appeared in the lab again. I didn't recognize her because her face was so flushed. Ahh! I still couldn't get myself to stand up and ask what her name was. Excuse me while I go and hammer my head against the wall.

Great, I just got mail from one of my students asking for leniency. Actually, it got bounced to me since I was one of the TA's (why me? why not the other TA??). Times like these, I hate being a softie. But I guess I'll let this guy off this time, since now I know his name.. muhahahahaha!!

Sparky's got one of those "twenty question" forms posted on her homepage for today's entry. What you didn't know will be revealed to all in this unfettered exposé of the inner workings of this girl wonder. (I would've said wonder woman, but that would've lead back to Linda Carter and my AgentP's comments from a week ago..) Okay, now I'm embellishing, but do you hear me complaining? Go check it out already!

Well Sparky, hockey I don't play (yet) but I do play broomball! There's a world of difference, but it's just as fun, and much more exciting! (For me at least.)


[4:00 PM EST - I'm so full..]

Hmm.. seems as if Theochem is down. That kinda sucks. Well, at least I can make this update on Scienide even though I can't see what's wrong with Theochem. Anyway, it seems as if weirDo dosesn't know what happened either. Anyway, I'll just finish off with what I started off Yesterday.

When we went to buy pop, we got a number of looks from the people around us, but there was this one (cute) girl, who stared at our heist, but I was too busy keeping the cart from flying down the parking lot that I never got a good look. Same with the girl Dusty nearly ran into on our way to lunch, I apologized for Dusty, and she just turned slightly and smiled. Hrumph. I don't understand some people.

Lots of girls that day it seemed. Speaking of which, volleyball was pretty fun. We got our butts kicked (as usual) but Jax showed up for the game! I was very happy, since I thought Jax was going to skip out for the rest of the season (at least I get to keep my three bucks =).

FlyingS, JCC and I went out for dinner. We went to the Noodle Hut since we hadn't been there in a long time. It was a good choice. The food was good, and they screwed up FlyingS's order and gave him a nine dollar dish in place of his three dollar one. Since he couldn't eat all of the food, he shared it with the rest of us. Oh goody! More starch!!

Afterward, FlyingS and JCC started mentioning (just as AgentP did) how they came across my page and noticed how frequently I updated it. In fact, they mentioned one specific time (the time AgentP was recalling) when they checked it one night and I had already updated the entry for that day, including the dinner we had that night. They found it.. errie I guess.

Oh well, time to go.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:13 EDT

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