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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Well, that was pretty anticlimactic. I stepped outside on my way home and noticed not a single cloud in the sky. There was basically no wind (although I could've been walking with the wind) and.. well, no storm. There was no storm overnight, and there's no storm this morning. Actually, the weather's amazing right now. Sun shining, blue skies, and nice and cool. Great day to go skiing or outdoor skating.

To think that we could've gone back to Toronto last night after the storm ended (way before seven). I was a little ticked about that. Oh yeah, we got a measly two centimeters of snow too. Just two! Well, mind you, had the weather been worse, bad things could've happened.. (Like in Chicago and Detroit), but boy, this sure was pretty unremarkable.

At least I'm going back this morning. My ride should be here within the hour. This gives me time to check out those pictures that Laz took. Hmm.. doesn't seem to work properly in Netscape (and obviously not in Lynx). Oh well.

I still need to work on the search script, and clean up those Sayings.. gah, too much effort, and not enough will.

Well, time for me to get ready, my ride should be here any moment now..


[4:00 PM EST - André! I got zee pictures!]

Oh yes, more pictures scanned.. but that I will talk about some other time..

The trip back was a little uneventful. The weather was quite good however. Once I got home, I ate lunch and headed out to the pond to do a bit of skating. As I apprached the ice, I was a little dismayed to see the red flag flying on the mast. Mind you, I could see a patch of ice which had been cleared of snow and on it were a few people. I figured that the ice was safe enough to walk on at least so I trudged out onto the middle of the pond and started testing the ice. It felt pretty firm beneath me, and I couldn't seem to make a dent in it, so I figured that I should try it anyway.

There were some spots of the ice which had started melting from the intense sunshine that day. Although the ice itself was unbroken, the melted ice made a slushy layer on top that made it difficult (and wet) to skate on. I tried to avoid those areas. What annoyed me the most was that apart from the small patch of ice that had been cleared near the picnic tables, the rest of the pond was still covered in snow. Three inces of snow. Not exactly prime skating conditions. It's too bad I didn't have a shovel handy.

Nevertheless, I went out and tested out the ice, and marked off a small patch of the pond (for myself) that avoided any of the patchier parts of the ice which were unusable. Skating was quite possible despite the snow, but control was hard to maintain when turning or spinning. I couldn't do much in the way of practice, but I sure got to practice my falls. The snow was very good at hiding any patchy spots on the ice as well as clumps of damp snow which is detrimental to balance when you try skating through them (especially if you don't know if it's there).

I still was able to put in an hour of skate time. Quite a number of people actually came out to skate during that time. Most of them (wisely) stuck to the cleared off area of the pond. I didn't mind since I wanted my space and I wasn't very fond of falling in front of strangers.

After that, I went and got a hair cut. Man do I look funny. *plays with hair*

I was reading through the newspaper and came across three interesting articles. The first one was about how lax the food inspectors have been with the restaurants of Toronto. Even though restaurants have critical (healt risk) problems, they are still allowed to run. *munches on Chinese take out*

The second one had to do with the fiascos (yes, multiple) associated with the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics. Just listing them would take too long and besides, I can't remember them off hand. In any case, I'm a little worried about Toronto's bids (yes, multiple) for the Olympic games. It'd be nice and all, but it's a one shot deal, and once it's gone, it's people like us who'll be footing the bill. Not thanks!

Last, but not least, is a little article about the multi-millionare who got married just a couple of days ago. The article mentions how the friends of the multi-millionare didn't actually know that the guy was that rich! So is the guy as rich as he was billed to be? I don't know, and I don't really care. I just thought it would be interesting to mention that.

Oh, seems like Jax made a couple more changes to that page again (which I didn't notice yesterday). Check it out!

Well, before I hog all the time on the phone, I'm gonna go. Should be back tomorrow.. boy, I think I need some sleep though.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:05 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)