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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Still have to finish marking.. what a pain.

The weather has taken a turn for the cold recently, with a bit of snow falling over the past few hours. Not much actually, there's something like a millimeter out there. Definitely nothing to write home about (unless your home is in Ecuador).

There's volleyball tonight. SY asked if someone was going to bring a camera.. Hmm..

Dusty handed me a copy of The Hobbit to read. He was somewhat surprised that I had not read any of the Tolkien novels and told me to start. (He'll lend me a copy of Lord of the Rings once I'm finished with the Hobbit.. oi vey.)

KGL's got a new .plan floating around:

back to my old habits....

Can you guess what she's talking about?

Well well, it seems as if I was able to finish marking those labs. Half an hour before the lab started, but at least it was before the lab and not after. Not a particularly exciting day seeing as most of it was spent marking or watching over the kids, but lunch was pretty good..

Why was lunch so good you say? I'm glad you asked! A free lunch is a good lunch. Today's lunch was free, thus it was good. Mind you, I'll probably have to pay for this lunch in the future, but I'm thinking in the short term here, so for now, it's free. It's all free!!

Ahem. Yes. Anyway, in addition to the good (and free) lunch, two people who have not really met before, met! Wow! How often does that happen? Ah huh.. I guess if I wasn't there to be the bridge, they would have never noticed, recognized, or cared about the presence of the other person, which makes me wonder why I didn't "officially" introduce them. What I found funny was that their responses after finding out who each other was, was something like: "I've been to your homepage!" "I've been to your homepage too!". It's amazing how much you can learn about someone from their homepage..

Oh yeah, Jax came by my office this morning. I guess we were due for a Dance Dance Revolution match. When Jax came by the office the first time, weirDo was there (I guess it was the first time they've seen each other) and after Jax left, he asked:

"Was that Jax?"

I asked him why he thought the way that he thought. His reply was:

"I guess she looks like a [Jax]."

Okay. One of those "just because" type of answers.

Onto the daily homepage update report: Laz has some comments on Nox and Flash (and KGL to boot) while KGL has an interesting story about getting a drivers test (and comment on Laz). Jax missed out on class while SDS (who has no class to worry about according to TY) has done some renovations at his page (including a fair number of pictures..). Last but not least is Tiffi, who has a sad story to share with us *pats Tiffi on head*.

That girl didn't show up today. What did I say? I guess it's my luck (it happens all the time).

On the way home for dinner, I passed by the gas station and saw that the prices had stablized a bit over the last couple of days. The price was now 70.7 cents at the GTO and 71.1 cents at the Shell. That was around half-past-six. I remember being surprised by the number of cars in line to gas up at the pumps. Why would people stock up on gas when it was this expensive? On the way back to school around eight, I took a peek at the price of gas at the GTO: 75.6 cents. I started laughing and I couldn't stop. This was pretty funny I thought. The Shell price wasn't much better: 75.9 cents per liter. I'm so glad I don't use a car.

I think this price increase is a good thing. It'll force our automobile minded society to really start thinking of using mass transit, much like the Europeans do right now. It'll hurt in the short run, but if prices stay this high, this may be the right kick in the butt to get us back on track for some of the more efficient and "environment friendly" vehicles.

I'm glad I didn't buy into the Palm IPO nor into 3 COM stocks at that. I just checked the closing price for both and saw that the Palm was initially offered at 38 dollars per share, but ended the day at 95 1/16 per share. That's up 150.16% from the initial price, but what you should take into account is the fact that it actually opened the day at 145 dollars a share, so in reality, if we started buying in when the bell went, we would've lost nearly 50 bucks a share! That's one third of your money up in smoke! Whew! Then there's 3 COM which started high at 117, and just went down. Down 22 5/16 to 81 13/16 a share. Oi, that's one big drop.

Texas Instruments on the other hand is going up, up and away..

Remind me never, ever to jump onto the bandwagon. I think GIC's are a safe bet..

Hey! I got a postcard from Jean-Guy today! Yippee!

When I got to the PAC some guy recognized me:

"Hey [QYV], going to play volleyball?"

All I could do was sorta nod and blink. I didn't recognize him at all. I felt kind of bad.

We had two scheduled volleyball games today. SY needed players for his team, so some of my team was recruited to help fill out the ranks. It was pretty sad, but the two teams did okay I guess. The one guy on the other team must've been so bored since this was at a level so much lower than what he was used to. The second game was better, and much more challenging. Most of our regulars showed up. I don't know why I brought my camera since HaremPresident and AgentP where both absent. Oh well. I wanted to play in a third game, but got sidetracked with all of the picture taking that by the time I had finished, I had already cooled down. Oh well, maybe next time.

Well the dreaded day has come. Dance Dance Revolution is gone from the Cove. It's a sad, sad day indeed. I would've felt a little better if we were allowed to sneak into the free night of fun at the Cove, but still, what would you do if DDR isn't there?

I skipped out on drinks to finish this thing and make it home at some respectable time to get some sleep. I guess it's time for me to go even though there's something that I just forgot to mention, but the brain cell that was holding that information happened to die on me (stupid bra.. er.. br.. er.. stupid something.). I might go skating tomorrow..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:49:00 EDT

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